Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 35: Human infighting

"How could this happen? How could it happen!" Mikay suddenly panicked, and when he tried to feel the seed of the law in his body, his whole body was stupid, his body was hollow, and the seed of the law was like he made one. Like a dream, there is no trace of existence.

"What's wrong with Squad Leader Mikai?" a figure next to him who was obviously the commander of the military police here frowned and asked.

"No, nothing, nothing. Anyway, you can't run away today! There is a net here! Even if you can fly, don't even want to leave!" When talking to the commander again, he looked like a low voice, just turned his head and followed evil. Barking like a dog. At this moment, Mikai's face can be said to be revealed. Even the commander behind him frowned unconsciously.

"Your Excellency Xie Chen, you must also know the purpose of our coming. Mi Kaijun has shown us your magic before, but at this moment I believe you will not want to die." The name was full of faces. While talking, the black-bearded commander motioned Xie Chen to pay attention to the people that surrounded him in all directions.

"Hey, I really don't understand what you mean. If I can, I would rather be here to confront Squad Leader Mikai on the spot. I don't know what your Excellency is." Xie Chen looked helpless, but The cold light in my eyes flashed when I mentioned Mikai. He will definitely let those betrayers taste betrayal!

"Squad Captain Mikai, why not let our Captain Xie Chen give up." Obviously, the beard asked Mikai to show the seed of the law he said. It's just that Xie Chen's things are so easy to take, since they can be given to you, then they can be taken back silently!

"I, I, I can't do it anymore! It must be him, yes it must be him!" It seemed that he suddenly understood something, Mi Kai suddenly pointed to Xie Chen and shouted! It must be as embarrassed as it looks.

"Anyway, please Xie Chen's Excellency to come with us." The beard first frowned and looked at Mikai, then looked at Xie Chen very politely. Signals the surrounding soldiers to approach Xie Chen.

"In this case, let it be yours. Anyway, I have never done anything to apologize to human beings. The clearer is clear for himself." Without the resistance that everyone imagined, Xie Chen let the opponent hold the chain to lock himself up. Then a soldier pressed on the carriage and walked in the direction of the capital.

"I'm really sorry, Commander Irwin, you can leave now." The soldier of the gendarmerie regiment seemed to have received some news, and said to Irwin very apologetically.

Irwin didn't speak either, turned around and left. Riding a horse toward the investigative corps. After almost half an hour, Irvine, who came to the Investigation Corps, had eyes flashing. With the exception of Levi, all the people who had the seed of the law were taken away by the gendarmerie. Including Xie Chen.

Irwin breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, what he was most worried about before was not that everyone was taken away or arrested, but that everyone resisted. Especially Xie Chen.

If he resists, he must be on the other side of mankind. No matter how he deals with him, he can no longer defend himself. In the current situation, it can be said that he can control the scene most.

After confirming that everyone had been captured, Irvine led Lewell towards the address of Commander Pickses. This is a political struggle that belongs to him. It's not the battlefield for everyone in Xie Chen.

"That's the way it is," Irwin stood in front of Pixes and retelled all the things that had happened before, including the matter of the Seed of Law and Commander Pixes.

"You are doing the right thing. The less people know about this kind of thing, the better. It's just that you don’t know what to do. Maybe the giant’s spies have also received news from your leak. If it's so powerful, you don't need to be afraid of the giant's attack, but you still have to be cautious." Commander Picses didn't mean to blame him at all, but rather agreed.

"I just need to bother you to take action and discuss with the House of Representatives to pull everyone out. And that traitor, Xie Chen once said, he can deal with it without a trace." Irvine said blankly.

"Okay, haha, this is really a blessing. Don't worry, I will definitely bring all of your people back." It was obvious that Commander Pickses was very happy that all of them were able to fight the giant.

The two of them had no ink marks either, and after discussing some details, they drove towards Wangdu in a carriage.

The royal capital, located within the third fence, is the safest place for human beings, and it is also a place where commerce is not prosperous. Whether it is the spotless streets or the tall castles and palaces that can be seen everywhere, they all reveal the wealth of the people here. At the same time, it is in sharp contrast with the miserable lives of the people on the periphery, which is the original sin of mankind.

"I don't know what kind of mistake my soldiers have made! Need you to do such a big fight to imprison them?" Commander Picses shouted to the obese old men with white beards at the meeting.

"Old monkey, don't worry, your people came up to report this, and we also caught them after seeing some evidence with our own eyes. Everything is just for the survival of mankind." One of them was full of rings. The old man narrowed his eyes and explained.

"Oh? What kind of evidence is that? I want to see it." Picketh said leisurely. Knowing that Irwin had planned for a long time, he was really in no rush.

"Jace, go and bring that soldier." The big belly old man said to the **** beard who was standing aside to catch Xie Chen. And Jace, whose eyes flickered, lowered his head and said something to the old man's ear.

"What!" Obviously, some old men who hadn't expected their brows were frowning together.

"There are some changes, but I won't let go of these people easily. You should give up, old monkey." The old white bearded man with a pale face said to Pixus.

"Hehe, why do you treat this as your home? When can the conference group abuse private power so unreasonably! If you can't give the old man a reasonable explanation! Humph!" Picketh coldly Responded to. ..


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