Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 115: The world in the priest's tower

This world is divided into six layers, and each layer is controlled by a race. In fact, long ago this was an entire continent, but it was divided into six worlds by humans.

Such strength is beyond the reach of Xie Chen. Forcibly divided a large world into six layers, and it was also condensed in a pagoda. I'm afraid Xie Chen is still far away to get there.

These things were all told by the Dragon King to Xie Chen, and under Xie Chen's lewd power, the Dragon King did not dare to hide anything. But the Dragon King said that he didn't know who that powerful person was. Not only he didn't know, but probably no one in this world knew.

Before that guy appeared, the six major races were constantly fighting because of the division of resources and territories. It is precisely because of this that the whole world can be said to be charcoal. In the final battle of the six major races, that mysterious person appeared, and regardless of the life and death of the six major races, he forced the world into six layers.

According to what the Dragon King said, the mysterious man said at the time that it was because they were disregarding the mainland creatures that the mysterious man would do this. Then it became what it is now. Since being separated, although the six races still have constant disputes, they are less than before. I don’t know how much.

The first layer is the dragon family, and there are also a small number of other races that cannot return to their respective worlds, and the half-orcs are also part of them. In the battle that year, the number of half-orcs was the largest, so you can basically see them in every world.

Then the second level is the elves. The elves don't just live in the forest. There are crypt elves, volcanic elves, water elves and even elves in the clouds. The lifespan of the elves is the longest, and the dragons, which are known for their longevity, cannot compare with them.

In terms of natural conditions, strength, or longevity, elves can be said to be the darling of the gods. But the only regret is the number of elves. Elves are extremely difficult to breed. This keeps their numbers from rising.

In the third layer is the night-weary family. This clan is said to be a branch of the elven clan, but in fact, it is a clan that betrayed the elves and was abandoned by the gods. They are active in the dark and lurking during the day. Regardless of the habits and the place of life, they are very different from the elves, but they are the same as the elves in terms of their strong strength and very flexible reproduction ability.

The fourth layer is the goblin. The goblin legend is the servant of the gods forging weapons, so they are more talented than any other race in building weapons. The height of more than five meters, strong arms, and various forging skills are all necessary conditions for a master forging.

The goblin’s living quarters are underneath, which is their racial habits and the reason they often forge, because the earth fire underneath can be said to be their best helper for forging. Of course they will also live in the mountains. The mountains and the earth are their mothers.

The fifth layer is the human race. The human race here is the same as the human race outside, but it is very doubtful that there are only priests in the human race here, and there are no giants, and those who have the power of giants will be treated here. Heresy to deal with. As for the reason, Dragon King didn't know. But this rule has not changed since ancient times. Of course, because of this rule, I don't know how many disputes have been caused.

Humans are the smartest of all races. Whether it's the forging of goblins, the brewing of elves, or whatever, they all learn very fast. Coupled with the existence of priests, the human race, which should have been incredibly incomparable, would not be underestimated by any other race. It can be said that a flexible mind is the basis for the survival of the human race.

As for the sixth floor, it belongs to the sea clan. The topography of each layer is different. The first layer has a vast plain and dense jungle, and the third layer is the land of eternal night. Half a month in a month is the night and the moon is day. Very strange. The fourth floor is all hills and mountains. A mountain range is connected to a mountain range, which is very spectacular.

The fifth floor is full of mountains and rivers, and the cities built by humans are countless. The sixth floor here is a vast ocean. Completely different from the previous five worlds. There are only sporadic moral islands in the ocean. From this point of view, it is somewhat similar to the outside world. The same is the boundless sea, the same is the island star cloth.

The only difference is that the islands here are not inhabited by humans. The main creatures in the entire world are living in the ocean, including the legendary mermaid. It is said that the ocean is the place where life began to be bred, and in this ocean Neutralize various races and thrive together. It can be said that this world is the most prosperous world. It is also the most powerful in all the world.

In the depiction of the Dragon King, Xie Chen seemed to reflect the entire world in his mind. He originally thought that the priest's tower was at most a space where creatures could survive, just like the mountain city in his hands. It's just a lot bigger than his belly mountain city.

But I did not expect that this is really a world! And it's a very magnificent world! You must know that even the Dragon Valley in the first layer is not known to be this one, and there are countless Dragon Valley that are stronger than here. You can imagine how vast the world here is.

This is why it is difficult for people who come here to rush to the top. Let alone the indifference of the people and races here towards outsiders, it is very difficult to find a way to the upper world in this vast world!

However, Xie Chen's eyes lit up at this time. After all, this is interesting. If it was really just a piece of space, Xie Chen would not be interested in exploring it. The more the challenge, the more I want Xie Chen to explore the secrets here.

Xie Chen was very excited when he heard it, but the two people, Tareth and Carpenter, were dumbfounded. They only heard about how difficult and hard it was outside the tower, but they had never heard anyone explain it in such detail. ..


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