Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 18 Chapter 241: New goal

The feeling of grief and anger filled the chest of the soil worm for no idea, and it was only through the roar that it could be completely vented. But even the grief and anger still had no effect at all.

Xie Chen wouldn't feel sorry for it because of a grieving roar and then bowed to apologize to him. If this were the case, it is estimated that Xie Chenguang apologized every day to death every day.

Why don't you feel sad and angry when you swallow other fierce beasts, why don't you feel sad and angry when you try to plot others. From a beast like a small earthworm to a king in the forest, how could there be fewer lives slaughtered in the middle?

Xie Chen ignored the soil worm that was trying to repair his body and looked at the stiff Firebird coldly. The reason why he did his hands on the terrible dragon and the soil insects was not without the mentality of killing chickens to show the monkeys, so that the firebirds who were left could tell the truth faster.

He was really curious about what could make the three king beasts in the forest gather here.

The fire sparrow first looked at the terrifying dragon lying on the ground pretending to be dead, then at the soil insect twisting the remaining half of his body, and finally at the faceless Xie Chen.

"We are for the sake of Mizusawa and the key in Yun Beast's hand." The fire sparrow finally began to ignore the moaning soil insects on the ground and began to stammer about the three of them here.

Mizusawa and Yunmon are a couple, but the two beasts are also the beast kings in the forest at the same time. Such a combination is not common. After all, the king beasts are very afraid of each other. As for a husband and wife king beast, it is even more fearful. The offense between the king beast and the king beast is generally on the lips, because in terms of force, there is basically no way to help each other, after all, they are all king beasts, and their strength will not be bad.

However, the couple Mizusawa and Yun Beast are different, and the two will definitely leave behind another king beast. But fortunately, Mizusawa and Yun Beast are not very fierce. They just guard their own one-third acre of land and live their own comfortable lives.

But a while ago, I didn’t know how Mizusawa’s strength began to increase significantly, and the speed was so fast that the dragon and others were very surprised. Finally, the power of nine bulls and two tigers was abolished before they knew that Yun Beast brought an opening secret from there. The key to the realm, plus that Mizusawa was pregnant, Yun Beast let Mizusawa raise her baby in peace for Mizusawa's body.

And hearing this news, the Three Beasts couldn’t sit still. After all, Mizusawa and Yun Beasts were enough to make people jealous. If Mizusawa’s strength goes up to a higher level, it will be possible to defeat the Three Beasts and rule the entire forest in the future. possible.

So the Three Beasts made an appointment here to discuss how to deal with Mizusawa and Yun Beast.

In fact, it was just how to **** the keys in the hands of Mizusawa and Yunmon. It was just as soon as they got together that Xie Chen's whole spirit was fierce. Before he started his plan to wait for others, he was seriously injured by Xie Chen to such a point.

"Hehe, it seems that I still prevented the water and cloud beasts, should I go to them for some reward". Xie Chen muttered in a low voice.

It seems that after hearing what Xie Chen said, the soil worm lying under Xie Chen's feet twitched a few times, obviously meaning Xie Chen jumped off. It seems that it is not wrong that I was harmed by this guy in front of me.

The firefinch, who had been so frightened and dull-eyed, suddenly woke up, shivered and stepped back with a strange look. It seemed that Xie Chen was a demon who ate beasts and did not spit out bones. Xie Chen raised his head to look at the three beast kings in the field, and finally fixed his eyes on the fire sparrow strangely.

"I originally wanted you to compete fairly and see who took me to the so-called Lair of Mizusawa and Cloud Beasts, but now it seems that only you can move." As soon as Xie Chen finished speaking, Huo Que was frightened. He screamed and flew towards the distance, trying to escape the demon Xie Chen.

However, Xie Chen grabbed it back and screamed sternly with flapping wings without getting rid of that far. It was as miserable as it seemed.

"Tsk tsk, be good, don't worry, I won't hurt you." Xie Chen touched the firefinch's head like a kid and said softly.

However, the more Xie Chen said so, the more powerful the fire sparrow was. At this moment, the infinite panic could be seen in the fire sparrow's eyes, as if Xie Chenchen was going to eat it.

"Be honest!" Xie Chen slapped his head when he watched Huoque refused to come down honestly. Sure enough, it was fierce and more effective, and the Fire Sparrow stopped struggling and stayed in Xie Chen's hands very honestly. It seems to have resigned.

The terrifying dragon and the earthworm lying on the ground were motionless at this time, and suddenly felt as if they had not received exaggerated abuse, and the eyes looking at the fire sparrow became extra pity.

Xie Chen let go of the firefinch and then resumed its original appearance, walking towards Pi and the others.

"You go back first and give me the rest of the love. Just go back and remember to talk to the old man and prepare the central passage I want to use. As for the monkey, I will take it back when I go back. Don't worry." The repeated instructions were directed to Pi. Among these people, Pi was the only one who could make Xie Chen feel a little relieved.

"Then you, be careful." Pi said a rare nonsense, that is, he immediately regretted it after saying this, there is really nothing here that can make Xie Chen be careful. With Xie Chen's strength, he can walk sideways with his eyes closed here.

But Xie Chen also agreed and wanted to turn around and leave.

"My lord, my lord takes us, and we must take good care of my lord!" At this moment, the team leader of the exploration team suddenly rushed over, holding Xie Chen's leg and howling. It must be as sincere as possible.

Xie Chen looked at the guy holding his thigh with a weird face, a little speechless, but he knew what to say. So towards the fire bird flying in the air, I saw the fire bird flying down from the sky mixed with strong wind. Immediately blow the guy out.

"Why, still follow us." Xie Chen got up and sat on Fire Sparrow, then looked at the dumbfounded guy and asked.

"Yes, I want you! Your lord, just take me in!" The guy actually crawled around and wanted to hold the firefinch's paw. It's just that the arrogant Fire Sparrow was willing to be touched by this guy, and he blew this guy away with a sigh of relief. The squad leader rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

"If you want to follow me, just catch up with me." After talking, Xie Chen flew away in the fire bird. ..


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