Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 52: Monster in the belly of the mountain

"If it weren't for Xie Chen, I'm afraid Elizabeth would really be captured by them this time." Meliodas said with a serious expression. If Xie Chen is no longer there, no matter how strong they are, there is no way to catch a magician who can teleport.

"What's next? That magician didn't know what was going on, he was about to run back to the kingdom." Jin Piao was indifferent in the air.

None of the people now are a little anxious, as if everything has nothing to do with them, but who would let Xie Chen sit here. Even Gao Se, who had not been here for long, knew that as long as Xie Chen was here, nothing would happen. This is everyone's bottomless trust in Xie Chen.

"I'm going out. I have seen the corpse of the **** and demon in the valley. This time I plan to destroy it directly. By the way, if possible, go to see the seal of the **** and demon in the depths of the kingdom." Xie Chen was suddenly Opened the mouth.

Xie Chen's words made everyone thoughtful. If Xie Chen were not here, then the next thing would not be that simple. Everyone behind him will be caught in a bitter battle. After all, there are more and more New Era in the Paladins, and each of them is exceptionally powerful.

"I agree. If the problems of the new era can be solved from the root cause, Xie Chen will definitely be the most reliable one. As for other things, we can all wait for Xie Chen," Jin agreed.

"This is for you. This is the safest thing in your hands. If possible, you can return it to me when you come back." Meridas gave Xie Chen the broken sword in his hand. According to everyone's reasoning, as long as Elizabeth and the broken sword are no longer together, the seal of the gods and demons will not be completely opened.

"Okay, I have the stuff, and then, I will rush back as soon as possible!" After Xie Chen said, he flew outside without hesitation.

As for the female magician wearing a mask, she was still running outside in the direction of the kingdom. Now the magic in his body was imprisoned by Xiao Hei, and she was no different from an ordinary person. In this way, unless a Paladin came to pick him up, she would have to walk back slowly regardless of her.

It would take less than half an hour to thank Chenfei from here to the kingdom, but it would take at least five or six days to go. Even longer!

This is a huge mountain belly with the light of the hazy torch inside. From time to time in the huge mountainside, there will always be a low and low roar.

And here, all the paladins wearing paladin armor have become accustomed to such roars. Patrolling around blankly. It's like a walking dead.

Before they came, they knew that the place they were going was the place they would stick to for the rest of their lives. Under the sincere gaze of the Paladin Commander, they took on the serious, glorious and important task they had at the time.

It was only when they came here that they understood why the Paladin would describe the difficulty and difficulty of this mission like that. In the dim cave, year after year, they have never seen anyone other than the Paladin who came here once in a few years to **** the monster.

From the initial activity to the silence afterwards, then to the final hysteria, and then it is attached to the silence. In this process, more than one person went crazy.

This is unavoidable, even if they try hard to regulate their emotions. Gradually, the guards who survived here have their own fun.

One-eyed Gere's pleasure is to keep playing with the spear in his hand to tease monsters in cages as thick as their arms. The cage with thick arms is not made of steel, but made of a metal that can block magic. Normal steel has no way to stop the monsters here.

That's how Keel's other eye was when he was playing with the monster here, it was cut out by the monster and then eaten.

The same is true for people other than Kiel. Some people like to talk to stones, while others like to use wood to carve all kinds of wood carvings. In less than two years, both people and monsters in the cave have been carved. One time, and then start over.

Captain Millsang’s quirk is missing. I miss every villager in the village and miss his sister. Miss his wife. This is the only thing he can continue to support.

Milsan was one of Hendrickson's guards. He left the village since he was a child and followed Hendrickson to practice. He decided to become a Paladin since the first time he saw the maintenance villagers riding high horses from the surrounding beasts.

It is also because of this belief that he has come to the present, but it is ridiculous that it is indeed now. What can support him is what he discarded for the ideal of the Paladin.

He is constantly suffering every moment. Especially when you see these monsters in the cage. He has been here for nearly ten years. He has never left here in these ten years.

It was also in the past ten years that he started with the time and rest of the knight that he held every day, waking up every day, training on time patrols, and so on, until now he slept soundly until noon every day. What also changed was his doubts about chivalry.

Starting from seeing these terrifying monsters when he came here for the first time, he was curious why he didn’t kill all the monsters here, but explained that it was to study these monsters so that he could easily deal with them later. After that, I didn't think much.

But after more and more time, he slowly discovered the difference here! The monsters here are more or less human shadows.

As for some monsters, he even felt the magic power of the Paladin, and some monsters were even able to vaguely say something like saving me. This made him even more suspicious.

He didn't seem to have seen these monsters when he was in the outside world. This made him even more suspicious of the origin of these monsters.

It wasn't until one day when he saw one of the monsters when he was receiving new monsters that he finally understood how these monsters suddenly appeared. ..


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