Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 62: The birth of a king

"This is," a team of paladins rode across the mountains and forests, and beside a big tree, the body of a paladin with a pierced chest was placed there.

This is where Mirsan killed the injured Paladin, and the corpse on the ground is undoubtedly the injured Paladin before. At this time, I don't know how long I have been dead.

"That group of **** lunatics!" The paladins who came from the guard tower all cursed Mirsan indignantly, and even the paladins under Milsan were brought in with them.

Such a thing is unprecedented among Paladins. Regardless of the paladin's majesty or old feelings, even a rebellious paladin would generally not attack his companions. It's just that when they complained, they didn't think of their pressing and humiliation towards Mirsan.

Such an end is a matter of course for them. After burying the corpse of their companions, all the people on horseback continued to rush towards the belly of the mountain.

They can't wait to retaliate against those lowly madmen. Only when they actually reached the mountainside, they were shocked by the scene before them.

At this time, the side of the mountain has collapsed, and the tip of the mountain is tilted down in the forest on the side, overwhelming countless trees, regardless of whether it is in the forest or on the ruins of the collapsed mountain, it is four or five meters high. The moment they reached the mountainside, all the monsters seemed to feel the smell of food and looked towards everyone.

"Run!" With only time to say a word, the headed paladin flees directly towards the distant mountains and forests. It was just that before hiding in the forest, he was overthrown under the horse by a monster that fell from the sky. Then before he got up from the ground, he was picked up like a chicken.

"Let go of me!!" He struggled, and the spear in his hand pierced towards the monster's arm. He originally wanted to blow the monster's arm off with magic power, but the magic attack on the monster's body seemed to be an attack. On top of hard steel, it has no effect at all.

It seemed that it was a monster that was stimulated by magic, and pulled the paladin's legs apart. This is not the only scene where blood and various internal organs fell all over the place.

Basically all the Paladins who wanted to escape have been torn to pieces by such monsters. Suddenly the mountains and forests turned into a sea of ​​blood.

All the monsters were roaring, standing in a sea of ​​blood and screaming hard, seeming to prove their strength. And there was only one paladin hiding in the sea of ​​blood and ruins trembling, his eyes staring blankly at the scattered limbs and blood.

He was the only guy who survived. It's just that he doesn't seem to see any vitality anymore in his eyes, only infinite fear and death.

Among this group of monsters, there is only one huge monster that has been in the center of the ruins. Neither the arrival of the Paladin nor the death of the Paladin made him move, but he held a man in his hand. Dead body. Millsang died after all.

With only one hand left, Mirsang finally completed what he wanted to do, and his only one was placed on the face of the **** the monster's chest.

This hand was frozen wherever it seemed, it seemed to be gently flying and stroking the face on the monster's chest, and it seemed to comfort a wounded person.

Everyone has an obsession, and at this time, the obsession of the older brother is to become the sister of the monster, and the obsession of the younger sister was to abandon the brother who left, but now it becomes the brother who died because of himself.

A burst of light rained on the monster holding the corpse of Mirsan, and then the monster disappeared on the spot, and a beautiful girl appeared with long golden hair, black eyes, and exquisite body, shining in the light The next descended from the sky like a goddess.

At this moment all the roaring monsters stopped roaring. One after another, they looked at the girls in the middle of the ruins. At this moment, the eyes of these monsters were no longer full of tyranny, but only worship and obedience. It seemed that the girl was the master of all the monsters here, and these monsters were like pets kept by the girls.

"Brother, I'm sorry." The girl put Milsan's hand on her cheek and sobbed softly. Milsan was smiling when she died. It seems to have seen the most beautiful thing in the world.

The girl's tears kept dripping on the face of her brother who was lying in her arms. Looking at the smiling brother, she regretted her resentment towards her brother. His brother did not abandon herself, but still loved him. But at this time it was too late to know everything.

There will always be all kinds of helplessness and regrets in this world, probably because there is no way to become perfect and happy, so it will be extra precious.

The girl suddenly raised her head and screamed towards the sky! It's like crazy, but the sadness and anger in the voice can indeed be heard by anyone. The surrounding monsters also roared in a low voice following the girl like a pack of wolves. It seems to be mourning something.

Mirsan lying in the arms of the girl turned into flying ash and disappeared into the world at the moment the girl raised her head and roared.

After the girl screamed, her long blond hair that was shoulder-length changed into pitch black and instantly grew to the position of her calf. Countless magic lines flashed across the girl's face. It was even more terrifying than the magic pattern on Bada.

The girl's body exudes amazing black magic, as if to cover the sky. The eyes of the monsters surrounding the girl were full of fear and obedience.

All the paladins near the monsters that were imprisoned disappeared that day, and even the paladins in the guard tower were attacked and injured by the enemy.

But the strange thing is that only the civilians in the villages around the Paladins were attacked. It seems that this is a conspiracy aimed specifically at the Paladin.

After this day, the Paladins all over the country were attacked. Those who survived said they were monsters. These monsters have the same skin as the strength of a Paladin and the armor that a Paladin cannot break. What is even more frightening is that these terrifying monsters still have a king. ..


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