Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 173: Arrogance of Escano

Everyone in the dark thought that the fool in the screen would be torn apart by the vampires they made in front of them, but the scene before them caused their pupils to shrink for a while.

When all the Paladins rushed towards Ban, Ban still only looked like a fool, and seemed to have no idea that these vampires in front of him would immediately tear him to pieces.

However, when these vampires were about to grab his neck and bite them fiercely, something that surprised the observers in the dark happened!

I saw that Ban was killed out of the group of vampires surrounded by at least dozens of people with an astonishing speed. No one could see his movements clearly, and only a lot of them remained in place. Broken meat scraps also had arms and legs that were chopped off. The head with the most.

"Kill you all at once, there is no fun~ I said, you must use your brain before attacking~" After doing all this, Ban uncovered the mask on the helmet and mocked. . Some in my eyes are still unfinished. Obviously, fighting like this can't satisfy his desires at all~

"The magic power displayed by this guy is not on the same level as other Paladins! Is he one of the Demon Clan that sealed us?" Is the vampire actually sealed by the Demon Clan? This sentence from the vampires in the dark is very informative.

"Impossible. Thousands of years have passed since when, but anyway, as long as it poses a threat to our vampires, it must be wiped out!" Another vampire hiding in the dark is very He said in disbelief, even the Demon Race might not have such a long life span for thousands of years.

"Hey, hahahaha, I want to drink all the blood of this guy. I am very hungry right now! If I dare to resist, I will kill you, understand?" A hooded man The guy stretched out his tongue and licked towards his fingers. What reveals in the eyes is an inexplicable desire, or a desire for blood!

The squad on the other side is encountering more vampires transformed into paladins. The paladins on the left and right in Edinburgh seem to have been converted into vampires, including many soldiers and guards. This kind of number is just standing there and letting the class chop, and it will take a lot of time to kill them all.

"Haha, come on, don't tell me, you just have this ability!" Ban Zhan shouted loudly! There is no fear or invincibility. All the vampires that rushed up were eliminated by him in the first place.

While he was slaughtering ragingly among these low-level vampires, suddenly Ban seemed to have noticed something and turned to look behind him, but it was still a step too late. In the next moment, Ban was directly caught The huge power directly hit the twisted castle in midair.

In the ruins, the helmet on the head of the team had been knocked into the air, and Ben was half kneeling on the ground. It seems that this blow did cause a lot of damage to him.

"Vampire royal family, Rose, Orondi ginseng! I will **** your blood immediately, and then make you die in pain!" A little boy who looked like a human being only fifteen or six years old sat on a pillar. He said to Ben with a smile while supporting the pillar with both hands. Two fangs that weren't very long were revealed when they laughed, and they were very strange.

"Oh~ But but, if you make me feel sick, I will kill you directly." Orondi suddenly added something as if thinking of something.

"You want to kill me? What do you do." Ban asked with a look of careless eyes.

"Like, like this!" While talking, Orondi directly stretched out a hand pressed on the pillar and pointed at Ban's chest with five fingers spread out. Then in the next moment, five blood holes appeared in Ban's chest instantly! There was blood pouring out of it.

And this gushing blood did not fall on the ground, but rushed in the direction of Orondi like five growing vines. Then pouring into Orondi's mouth.

"It's really wonderful!!" The moment the blood entered his throat, Olongdi's eyes sparkled, and he seemed particularly satisfied with Ban's blood!

"As always, your artifact is really heavy!" Somewhere on the other end, Meliodas was dragging towards the outside with a huge axe in his hand.

"I'm sorry to trouble you~" Escano scratched his head a little embarrassedly behind him. At this moment, Escano was just like that thin uncle.

"Speaking of which, Edinburgh is really too far away, right, if I can, I hope to come back before the morning." Escano said to Meliodas.

"Don't worry, Marlene opened a door to Edinburgh. It will be very fast."

"Really? Did Malin specially do it for me?" Escano became excited when he heard Malin's words, and he didn't see the state of withering just now.

"Uh, no, no, it was made for us." Meliodas did not take care of Escano in the slightest and was outspoken.

"Okay! Come with us! Escano!"

"I, I will work hard!" Escano without a beard looks only seventeen or eighteen, and his young face looks especially nostalgic.

"I'm sorry, you were born in my world." At this time, Escano, who has turned into a majestic body under the sun, stands in front of the Vampire King who is two or three times larger than himself. The eyes of the arrogant king spoke arrogantly towards the king of vampires without any waves.

"Hmph, are you scared? As you wish, let you see my true magic." The Vampire King looked at the blond arrogant boy with interest in a provocative look of a child.

After he said these words, he saw that a huge black light emerged from his body, or a black hole was more appropriate. There seemed to be an aura of destruction in this black hole. No life can escape meaning under such a breath. But Escano didn't seem to evade at all. ..


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