Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 196: The people entering the maze

"Look at the huge rock in the center of the maze. It is the former Basel handle. Even if it is no longer anywhere, it will be nearby. From the top of this huge rock, a very terrifying wave of magical power can be felt. The culprit who made this maze is where.” Matorona looked at the huge maze under her feet and analyzed it.

"Matorona, you took Diane out of here! I also felt the huge magic power, but it was not so dangerous to me. But you are different from Diane. You know, Della and the others are still at home. Watching you." At this time, Jin Fei approached Mattorona and Di An and said to them.

At the beginning, he just wanted to take Diane back to Meliodas and Xie Chen's side, where it was absolutely safe for Diane. Although Xie Chen hadn't done anything for some time. But it will definitely protect everyone's safety. This little gold can still be seen.

But now it's different. Before I found Xie Chen, I met the Demon God Clan in the Ten Commandments that was comparable to my own strength, and maybe there was more than one, which definitely annoyed him. He definitely has the means to protect himself, but with Diane and Matorona, he doesn't have such absolute confidence.

"We won't leave, don't say you saved Della and them, even as friends of the giants, we will never leave our friends to run away alone. This is an insult to the giants!" Mattorona did not He refused Jin with the slightest hesitation, although he felt that Jin was a little weird towards Diane. But no matter where you look at it, Kim is wholeheartedly good to Di An.

And even if warriors who are giants no longer like war for some reason, they will never take a step back when they switch to something that should be guarded.

"Yeah! Jin, we would never leave. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid Matorona and I would come here again!" Diane said that it is true. If there is no Jin, it is to heal Della. Their Matorona would never fail to come here.

Basel, as stated in the leaflet, is a miracle and God's place that can satisfy anyone's requirements and wishes. Although not necessarily true, it is worth trying!

"Okay, but you must follow me carefully." Jin looked at Dian and Matorona's eyes and finally said helplessly.

"Hey, how can the giants hide behind timidly. Okay, Jin, let's go!" He said that Dian had already walked towards the huge maze below. Jin hurriedly flew in the air to chase after Diane, while Matorona would slowly walk behind with a smile.

"Are we really going in? It seems a little scary here!" Hawke said timidly looking at the huge maze in front of him.

"Yes, we not only have to go in, but also walk to the center of the maze, and then find the master who made this maze~" Xie Chen stood by and replied to Hawke's reply, relying on the huge wall beside him. problem!

"It would be better for us to drive in Dabai directly. I don't know what kind of danger there will be inside!" Hauser suggested lazily.

"No, no, it's really boring. Didn't you just improve your combat power from the druids? This is an opportunity to test and temper your combat power, don't miss it~" Thanks Morning walked towards the maze first.

"Well, let's go too!" Meliodas didn't say anything, and walked into the maze with the sword in his hand.

"Wow, it looks so big when I get closer!" Diane stood in front of the huge maze. The height of the maze was as high as three Dianes. You must know that Diane is a giant, three times the height of a giant. In the eyes of people, it can be regarded as high as a hill.

And Jin flying in the air, before such a majestic wall, looked like a small flying insect.

"Are you going to follow the normal way? Matorona?" Dian asked Matorona, who was standing outside the city wall and didn't want to enter.

"It's not my style to walk in obediently. When I go all the rocks on the road turn into dust!" Matorona stood not far from the city wall and raised a hand after speaking with Diane. After condensing a very powerful magic power in the palm of his hand, he slapped the ground fiercely!

Then I saw the earth wafting up and down like water. It just spread to the wall not far from Matorona in an instant!

There was a crack on the wall first, and then all the subsequent ripples swayed on the wall. The wall was directly corroded near the ground except for a huge hole.

"Are you planning to destroy the wall all the way through?" Dian looked at the scene before him and suddenly understood Matorona's intentions.

"That's the most efficient method," Matorona admitted.

"Look!" But in the next second they were stunned. Jin pointed to the big hole that was hit directly by Matorona just now, and shouted, only to see that the big hole had a wave of magical power, and then it completely recovered in an instant! It's not the slightest difference from when Matorona didn't hit.

"The wall is restored! This means that the magic power is superior to Matorona. Does such a giant exist?" Dian was a little frightened. There really is a big problem here.

"There is no way, in this case, just speed up and try to get through the maze as soon as possible." Mattorona walked into the maze first, and said to Dian and Jin on the other side.

"By the way, I can fly in the air to show you the way, so I can save a lot of time." Jin suddenly stood up and said.

But when Jin flew into the air, he was directly hit back!

"How could this happen? There will be enchantments here!" Jin, who was bounced back by a transparent membrane that was invisible above his head, said in surprise while sitting on the ground rubbing his head.

"It seems that cheating won't work. And there seems to be no way out!" Looking in the direction where Matorona was looking, the population that had just entered has disappeared, and the place was replaced by a block and the surrounding area. Stone wall!

This is really fun. ..


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