Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 222: Grouping

"Wait! There is another contestant here!" A voice came from the maze. Also greeted by a thin figure!

"Goser! Join here!" Goser appeared on the stage gorgeously, everyone was stunned, because although the thorns just now did not clear all the people in the maze, no one was able to clean it out because of the prohibition. Out of it.

"Your Excellency Goser, you are fine!" Goser said as Arthur looked out.

"Gao Se? Where did you hear this name!" Duoluo Lu in the stands seemed to know Gao Se, but no matter how he looked, he couldn't really remember it, but probably had some vague memories.

"It hurts, can you please take your feet off!" A voice came from the soles of Goser's feet! I saw Escano lying on the soles of Gauser's feet!

"Oh, I'm sorry that some estimates were wrong at the landing site!" Goser quickly jumped up from Escano. Then apologize.

"No, it's okay. People often say that there is little sense of existence, so please don't care." Escano was in a panic at this time! The original neat waiter's clothes became tattered, the glasses were broken, and they hung crookedly on the ears. There are the footprints that Gauser just left on his back!

"This voice, the bones still emphasized, Lord Escano! Long time no see!" After hearing Escano's voice, Gauser pointed to Escano loudly as if he had remembered something. Road!

"Is this the crime of arrogance among the seven sins?" Elizabeth, who stood beside Meliodas, looked at Escano of the two and said softly, but the feeling in her eyes was indeed unbelievable. meaning.

"I know what you want to say. At this moment, probably no one is more unsuitable for the word arrogance than him." Meliodas did not wait for Elizabeth to ask his doubts, and said it by himself. Obviously he has become accustomed to such questioning.

"Wow!!! What, what, what to do! The eyes I got from Ms. Marlene are completely broken! If this thing is gone, I will..." The panic of the face! He held his glasses in both hands and shouted very sadly. You know he has extraordinary feelings for Marlene! But at this moment, what Marlene gave him was made like this. Such a response is really reasonable for him.

"It's really noisy! I hope you don't hinder the progress of the conference!" Liu Xueni seemed to be a little tired of Escano at this time, saying that the tentacles of the plants surrounding him quickly escaped from Escano's body. Go through it! A big hole was left in Escano's chest in an instant!

"Escano!" Everyone ran towards Escano! This kind of injury will probably die! Escano fell slowly with blood on his mouth.

"It's rare that we want to realize our wishes for everyone and hold this conference, for example." Liu Xueni severely inflicted Escano, but in fact it was just to show her ability to realize everyone's wishes.

When he said this, a moon rose appeared at the top of his antennae! And in the stamen at the top of the moon rose dripped a drop of dew-like crystal! That is what is called the dew of life.

After the dew of life in this place dropped on Escano's dying body, the big hole in Escano's chest was slowly recovering!

"That, that is!" Ban shouted a little excited. He was not the only one who was surprised, everyone was stunned at the scene before them.

"Hey, hey, I should have been pierced in the abdomen just now!" Escano looked at his abdomen with nothing at all. At this time he had stood up from the ground.

"Well, now that everyone is motivated, hurry up to group! Then I beg you Duoluo!" Seeing that everyone seems to have spirit at this time, Liu Xueni said to Duoluo.

"Is it a group of two?" After Dololu confirmed, his arms began to dance again, and the ground under everyone's feet seemed to be shaking again! Then I saw a small rock under everyone's feet, and flew into the air with everyone!

"This is, the footing is floating!" Hauzel said in surprise, lying on the rock. There were so many things that surprised him this night!

"The companion on the same rock now is the comrade-in-arms chosen by fate, come on, entrust your lives and deaths to the glory of the battle!" Dololu said, pointing to the rock in the air among the crowd.

"Companion, is the assigned comrade-in-arms?" Meliodas said while looking at Ben beside him.

"That's right, leader~ Let's kill a piece of armor together without leaving it!" Ban seemed to be very satisfied with such a group.

"No injury!" Hendrickson asked Guliamore, who had become a child.

"Well, it's okay, just a little scared!" said the crying ghost Guliamore holding Hendrickson. At this time, the two were obviously grouped together!

"Damn it! Even children are involved!" Hendrickson said very angrily.

"It has become a kind of strange platform, um, Diane?!" Jin looked first from the edge of the rock. It was only when I turned his head that Diane was in a group with himself!

"Uh, Jin!" Although he didn't say much, but in Diane's mind he was thinking, did Jin know me long ago? But it looks so weak Jin!

"Let's be a friendly killer!" said the monk with a hat on the pot to the masked male companion with a clown hat beside him. But the other party obviously disliked him.

"Please take care of me!" Arthur is divided into a group with the unknown swordsman who likes to hold the bristlegrass in his mouth. I remember that when in the maze, the unknown swordsman once smashed the huge land crawling fish with a single sword. Can not be ignored!

"Is this a kid! Can he fight?!" Hauser looked ugly and disliked the guy standing next to him with the harp and singing.

"That inspiring golden crown~" It's just that the young bard ignored his disdain and just sang to himself. ..


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