Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 301: The Departure of Saratoras

"Dad!" Guliamore shouted in Dreyfus's arms! The little face is full of tears! And Dreyfus also hugged Guliamore tightly.

"The day to hug you again like this has come again!" Dreyfus seemed to be excited too, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Uh, Guliamore, why did you become a young boy!" I have to say that Dreyfus's nerves are big, and after a long time in the hug, he realizes that Guliamore has become Look like five or six years old!

"A lot of things have happened in the village where the druids practiced. I will talk to you slowly when I have the opportunity." At this time, Hendrickson slowly walked over and explained to Dreyfus. He looks very weak. The wound on the shoulder still kept blood!

"You are finally back! Dreyfus!" Hendrickson covered the wound with his hand, then smiled and said to Dreyfus.

"Hendrickson!" The friendship between the two does not need to be conveyed with too many words, one look is enough!

The two people hugged each other, even two burly men couldn't help tears streaming down!

"It worries you until now," Dreyfus said, patting Hendrickson on the shoulder.

"Let's go to each other," Hendrickson replied! All this is so natural,

"Hahahaha, Dreyfus is really strong, he should have inherited my position long ago!" Saratoras, who was lying on the ground at this time, suddenly smiled and said. At this time, he had no energy to stand up, and could only lie there.

"Brother?! Hold on!" Dreyfus and Hendrickson both ran over and shouted at Saratoras!

"Depressed, this body can't use any strength!" Saratoras lying on the ground said! At this time, he will leave here directly in a while! After all, he didn't belong here originally, not to mention that in order to be able to force Flaudlin out, he made a great sacrifice!

"Guliamore, shouldn't you be with Jelica and the others?" Hendrickson suddenly asked.

"Well, everyone disappeared after I came back from urinating!" Guliamore said, probably no one can be seen, so that's why I fumbled for everyone!

"Brother! Why are you so nonsense!" Dreyfus, who came to Saratores, asked unwillingly. This has just been added, is it about to leave? ! How can this be done!

"Don't mind, because this is the life for you," indeed, as Sarators said, it was because of the concern and fetters of Hendrickson and Dreyfus in his heart that he could be resurrected. When I came back, it was just too appropriate to use this life on Dreyfus.

"If I'm strong enough, I can prevent those innocent people from being harmed without the help of my brother!" Dreyfus said somewhat self-blaming.

"No, it's all me who is wrong, it is my weak talent that caused Dreyfus to obey that guy!" Hendrickson was obviously very guilty of Vlaudling's threat to Dreyfus by himself!

Saratoras just smiled and watched the two confessing their mistakes, and then exhausted all of her strength and hit them with her shoulder and head fiercely!

"Brother, elder brother,," the two looked at Saratoras in a bit of astonishment.

"You are like this, I really can't ascend to heaven!" Saratoras said.

"Instead of regretting it all the time, it's better to take all of them and live hard. That's how the adults are responsible, right?" Saratoras' body began to slowly become illusory, as if Same as soap bubbles. It started to disappear slowly!

"Also, send me a message, tell Gilsanda, I will always watch him." Saratoras completely disappeared into Dreyfus's arms after saying this intermittently!

"I will send your message to Gilsanda, rest in peace!" When Dreyfus and Hendrickson were still immersed in the atmosphere of Saratoras' departure, suddenly that magical power The vibration made them wake up instantly!

"Well, this magic power is Flaudlin?!" Dreyfus said in disbelief, and instantly stood up from the ground, holding his long sword in his hand!

"No, the Tianhan Prison Breaker should have eliminated this guy!" Dreyfus said uncertainly, feeling that it was Flaudlin but it shouldn't be him!

"Haha, it is correct to say that it should have penetrated!" This time it was not Dreyfus or Hendrickson who spoke, but Flaudlin, who slowly walked out of the smoke!

"This is worthy of my partner. If it is the original, it would be really dangerous! I really like the expressions of the two of you now! Desperate expressions! How about dying in despair like this? Ah!" Flaudlin said slowly towards the two of them with the huge hole in his body.

But after he walked out completely, the wound on his body had disappeared, and his body became extraordinarily huge, just as huge as Di An!

"Huge" This is the magic power of Flaudlin! The huge claws grabbed Hendrickson and Dreyfus, not fast enough for both of them, and quickly escaped his attack! Dreyfus was holding Guliamore and avoided.

And Hendrickson was indeed rescued by Marlene and others who came out later!

"What, that super big monster!" Hauzel and the others, who stood in the absolute magic cube with Hendrickson, exclaimed as they looked at the huge monster nearby.

"That's Flaudlin forced out of Dreyfus' body!" Hendrickson who stood in the cube explained!

"Dreyfus! Guliamore!" It seems that he saw the two Dreyfus father and son who had just escaped the attack of Flaudlin. Hendrickson in the cube turned towards Dreyfu below. Shouted Si!

"We have nothing to say, no need to worry!" Dreyfus, who was holding Guliamore, shouted to everyone. ..


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