Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 346: Maria Tasha

"Today's weather is very good~~" A young girl hopped to the window and looked at the blue sky outside the window and the white clouds in the blue sky that were constantly drifting with the wind! A few days ago, because of the rainy weather for several days, even if the weather outside is still wet after the rain, it still cannot stop the girl's happy mood!

"His Royal Highness, please go to the hall for dinner!" At this time, outside the girl's door, a waiter's voice came. Listening to the waiter's meaning, the girl in front of her seemed to be a princess in the kingdom!

"Okay, I'll be there soon!" The girl shouted loudly with a smile on her face! After that, it was another wash and clean up!

After a while, a young girl with a dignified, beautiful face and a slight smile came out of the room! It's completely different from the sunny, cheerful girl just now! If he hadn't worn the same necklace around his neck, he would really be recognized as two people!

"His Royal Highness Maria Tasha, please have a meal." The attendant at the table politely pulled the chair at one end of the long table and signaled the girl to do it. At this time, there was already a person wearing it at the other end of the long table. The beard-faced middle-aged man in the armor of the Paladin sat there to eat!

"Uncle Aman Snow, are we still going to the town for an exhibition today? The sun is so big today!" The girl reluctantly said to the middle-aged man with a big beard at the long table.

It is said that the exhibition is actually a parade by the royal family to appease the hearts of the people in such a chaotic situation. The princes and others in the royal family contribute in the battle of the king, while the princesses of the kingdom walk around with a gentle smile. There is also kind and considerate comfort to soothe the restless people in the chaotic situation!

"Your Royal Highness! If you are reluctant, I will exchange with the king applicant for another Royal Highness to perform the ceremony, and you and I will personally **** you back to the palace!" Such an answer is not what Mary wants result! If she really would go to that **** lifeless palace, she would rather hold a hundred parades here!

"Hey, Uncle Aman Snow, would you just pretend that I haven't said it?" Maria slowly drank her bowl of soup to hide her thoughts!

"Maria, the current situation is not a time when you can relax. At this moment, anyone in the kingdom is ready to sacrifice in the kingdom at any time! The demons are ready to move, and the goddess is staring at us with good intentions! As the entire continent The weakest race! We can only survive with trembling efforts!" Aman Snow, who had seen Maria's careful thinking a long time ago, paused first, and then said with all his heart!

Maria was the child he had seen growing up since he was a child. He has a closeness to Maria that other princesses do not have, and it is precisely this way that he can persuade her with such painful words!

It's just that all the persuasion is like a spell in Maria's ears, making his head dizzy and not beautiful! Finally, after an hour, Aman Snow's education is finally over! At the same time, there is this one-hour breakfast! Maria Tasha once again realized the power of her uncle Aman Snow!

The afternoon sun was very abundant. The clouds in the sky became sparse, without the cover of the clouds, a lot of eyes were burning the land like incandescent lamps!

Fortunately, there is still a trace of coolness in the air when it rained a few days ago, and there is plenty of moisture on the uneven ground to let the heat of the sun evaporate! Even so, Maria Tasha, who is wearing a heavy dress and riding a horse with a dignified etiquette and a strong smile, is also sweating!

He is not his own abnormal uncle Paladin! No matter what the weather is, I wear that heavy armor!

The people in the town looked at the princess who came from the capital with curious eyes! Most of them are people who watch the excitement. In this era, they learned to doubt early.

Doubt whether the so-called king can bring them food and still be safe, and doubt whether the place where he is located is safe enough not to be found and slaughtered by the demons or the proud goddesses who occasionally look for food on the road, Suspicion is not their nature, it's just forced by the environment!

But obviously the king had thought of this a long time ago, and behind the smiling and kind princess, there are various food and grain distributions! When there is a lack of food like this, and I don’t know if there is a next meal, there is nothing happier than food!

Soon, those skeptical expressions all turned into expressions of excitement and joy!

"Long live Princess Mariatasha! Long live the Kingdom of Telnia! Long live the King of Telnia!" Such a voice soon rang from the people!

Maria Tasha also laughed. Although Sui said she was resisting such a parade, she still felt joy and happiness from the heart when she saw the satisfied smiles of the civilians! These are his people! It is someone who needs her to guard and protect!

At this moment, she seemed to feel that the burden on her body was extremely heavy! And glory is equal to responsibility!

After returning to the inn, Maria Tasha's back was completely wet! Riding a horse for three hours on a sunny afternoon like that, even a man might not be able to stand it!

Not to mention a weak little girl like Maria Tasha! But she persisted. The result was that she lay motionless on the bed the first time she came back!

"His Royal Highness, your performance is very good! I will report the situation here truthfully from the king, and you have a good rest!" Aman Snow stood outside the door and slowly said to Maria Tasha. Full of pride and praise. However, Maria Tasha in the room had already fallen asleep groggy long ago!

When I opened my eyes again, the continent of Britannia was shrouded in darkness!

"The legend has it that a vampire came near the town! Specially pick those children who don't go home at night! If you don't go home again, be careful to get caught by the vampire!" An old lady was not tired and messed up all over the place at night. The scurrying children frightened. ..


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