Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 363: Three-way

"I know Master Xie Chen!" Luo said excitedly.

The next thing is easy to talk about. Jin and Dian have retrieved all the people from the Fairy King Forest, and then told everyone about the escape from the Holy War.

Everyone reacted differently, but no one complained about it. Even the militant giants did not want to live in the flames of war every day, not to mention that their own king said so, there was nothing they could refuse.

"We respect the king's leadership! Yes! Let's take over all the tribesmen in all the tribes!" All the tribesmen of the giant tribe shouted loudly.

The tribes of the goblin tribe are very easy to say, all their tribes live in the forest of the goblin king, and they are very easy to gather, but the giant tribe is different, the tribe of the giant tribe is generally built on the high mountains! The people here are all warriors from the giant clan, and the old, weak, and children stay in the tribe.

And now that you plan to really settle down in the Fairy King Forest, then it is also necessary to take over those clansmen left behind in the tribe! It is estimated that just to do this, it will take more than half a month. After all, the migration of the tribe is not that simple.

Fortunately, it’s not a human being. If it’s a human being, it’s even more troublesome. What are the things in the house? There are also housing problems. The most important thing is that human civilians are generally very fragile. It is a child who can fully bear the fatigue of a long journey.

"Master Xie Chen, can we also summon our clansmen?" Luo said at this time as he watched the Fairy King and the Giant King lead the Giants people out of the Fairy King Forest.

"Yes, but your place is not here. If you can, you can take your people toward the plain behind the fairy forest." Xie Chen probably pointed to Luo and said to Luo.

Xie Chen did not intend to personally help Luo and the people of the human race migrate. Although the journey is far away, it can even be said to be very difficult for the human race. Old people may not be able to persist in dying on the way. But no one will cherish what is easily obtained!

Only let them deeply realize the hard-won of this happy life, they will become more cherished in the days to come. And those who are lazy, or skeptical, are not worthy of his gift.

Behind the fairy forest is a plain, this plain is surrounded by the fairy king forest in front and the back is surrounded by mountains. It's like an ellipse. The area of ​​the plain is not small, even the size of the Fairy King Forest, and there are several rivers on the plain! It is simply the most suitable place for migration.

In the mountains behind the plain there are patches of ordinary forest! Lush looks extraordinarily gorgeous! It is not that there are no humans to live and settle on this plain. It's just that in the war between the Demon God Race and the Goddess Race, all human beings have no idea where to flee. So only fields and dilapidated houses were left!

When Xie Chen took Luo to the plains, Luo cried with excitement. That's right, people born in wars' yearning for a peaceful life is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Xie Chen put Luo on the plain and left. Of course, beside Luo there were the humans who followed Luo when he was in the canyon. "Luo, will this really be our home in the future? No one will harass our house anymore." A stout man stared at Luo with red eyes. Tao.

"Yeah, can that Xie Chen really protect us? Let us stop being harassed by those scumbags!" Another thin man in the crowd also said! It seems to be thinking of something angry, and the voice is particularly sharp!

"This is our hope! Starting today, no one is allowed to raise any questions about Lord Xie Chen! Otherwise, it will be the same as the end of this sword!" Luo said that the sword in his hand was directly broken into After two halves, his hands also left bright red blood!

There is no more sound in the crowd!

The migration of the giants and humans is about to begin, and the next thing is Xie Chen's work. Such a large area would all have to be wrapped in restraint. Although the time was not very difficult for Xie Chen, it would be different if the restraining force was to be large enough.

With the idea that Xie Chen’s products are absolutely fine products, at least the prohibition must be able to stop the attacks of the Demon King's level! Although I don't know the strength of the Demon King, I just need to set it higher. But in this case, the cost of materials will also be massive.

But who makes him a perfectionist!

Gao Se was very interested in Xie Chen's production ban, knowing that he is the most powerful alchemist in the entire continent. What I'm good at is this. When Xie Chen heard that Xie Chen planned to wrap this forest of the Fairy King and the large plain behind it with prohibition, Gao Se's first reaction was to refuse.

Even if it is barely completed, it is estimated that the power of the ban will be weak, a rabbit can break in. In this way, even if it is completed, it does not make any sense.

You know, this prohibition is used to stop the demons and goddesses! Those are the two most powerful races on the continent. To restrain them with the reluctant restriction that restrains rabbits, it is simply a dream!

"Don’t you think your thoughts like this are a bit whimsical? If you really do what you say, the least energy you need is a number you can’t imagine. Such energy is enough to defeat countless demons and goddesses. This is the second time!" Gaoser said to Xie Chen very patiently.

What he said is not wrong. If it is a prohibition that can stop people at the level of the Demon King, then the magic power contained in the prohibition must be stronger than the Demon King.

The magic power that is stronger than the Demon King can naturally knock down the Demon King without such effort.

It's just that Gaoser seems to have forgotten that there are many forces in this world that can defeat the Demon King. As long as Xie Chen takes advantage of these forces, there is no problem at all. ..


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