Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 387: go away

The manufacturing materials of the Gate of Heaven are not so easy to find, after all, this is the only space-related portal in Britannia. Light is a stone with some spatial attributes contained in it. Just enough for the previous goddess race to accumulate for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years may not be long for the Goddess Clan's plan to rule the entire Britannia, but for Xie Chen, he could not wait so long. Xie Chen has basically mastered the basic principles of the Gate of Heaven. So understand that if he wants to cross the big world, then he needs more spatially attributed stones! more and more! The more the better!

"I plan to leave here. If there is anything, you can call me through this space restriction. The gate of heaven on my body can be sensed at any time." Xie Chen faced Meliodas and Jin Dian. Waiting for someone to say.

"Then, we..." Hearing that Xie Chen was about to leave, Di'an suddenly became anxious when he and Jin arrived here, and he was completely confused. I don't even know what the trials Liu Xueni and Duoluo Lu are talking about are. At this time, the only acquaintance Xie Chen also left. This immediately made her feel a little at a loss.

"Don't worry, if I go back, I will definitely take the two of you. And don't waste time here. The prohibition I set in the Fairy King Forest is enough for you to cultivate and improve your strength! Don't waste this More opportunities, get used to the strength in your body." Xie Chen smiled, he knew where Di An's anxiety came from. So comforted.

His words made Jin and Di An nodded vigorously. At this time they completely obeyed Xie Chen's words, and Xie Chen was their only guide in this world. There are many things they can't tell Meliodas and others. Especially after Xie Chen has done so many things.

They don't even know whether history has been tampered with since then. After all, everything Xie Chen did made the original track deviate and deviated. Jin and Diane don't know whether this is just a memory world or whether it really came three thousand years ago. Or something else.

Both humans and any other races are cautious about the unknown. Because they don't understand things, there is absolutely no way to predict and speculate.

"Did you decide?" Xie Chun asked Gao Se on the side after explaining everything. Although Gao Se's memory had not fully recovered at this time, Xie Chen had already given him enough fruit, even more than enough.

There was no need for Gao Se to follow Xie Chen at this time. As long as he insists on eating a fruit that Xie Chen gave him every day, then his injured spirit will surely recover slowly. The memory will naturally recover completely slowly.

Unexpectedly, Gauser chose the same choice as before.

"I'll follow you." Gao Se didn't have anything to pack, and he walked towards Xie Chen, or walked over in a wheelchair.

Meliodas looked at Gauser as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn't say anything. Just watched Xie Chen and Gao Se walking towards the outside of the Fairy King Forest. The weather was exceptionally clear, and the wind was blowing the huge trees in the fairy king forest. The branches and leaves swayed, making a clattering sound, and from time to time there were a few roars of wild beasts in the depths of the forest. Such a scene makes people's heart seem particularly quiet.

"In fact, if you don't explore a lot, it seems to be a very pleasant thing to live here for a lifetime. Don't care about any other things, but also care about what the outside will become." Gao Se felt it. Said.

"Then you stay here. This is originally a place for old-age care. You can be regarded as an old man. You are not a young man. Why do you have to explore so much?" Xie Chen glanced over his head. Goser next to him, then said very casually. While talking, he looked around the forest.

"What about you, isn't it the same? Many times I think you should be older than me." Gauser said in a joking tone. However, the saying that Xie Chen is older than him seems to be true.

Xie Chen just rolled his eyes silently at him, did not speak, and accelerated the speed of walking out of the fairy forest. There seems to be no desire to talk to Gauser at all.

Since Xie Chen's time, Xie Chen has been alone in the space of various comics, and the concept of time seems to be completely useless in him.

And he is still very young no matter how long it has passed! It's just that he himself has never noticed it! Never cared.

But what Gauser said today really made him feel a little scary. Yes, it is terror. Even if he is a super existence that can wipe out the entire world with one hand, when asked about his age, he is still somewhat reluctant to face it.

In his heart, no matter how powerful he is and how many things he has experienced, he is nothing but a young man in his twenties. But after such a long time passed, even if he would not age or die, he was inexplicably panicked. When did he become the legendary immortality. And it's an old immortal who looks very pretentious.

Finally, the two of them walked out of the Fairy King Forest, seeming to feel Xie Chen's departure. The trees in the Fairy King Forest swayed their bodies without wind, as if they were sending Xie Chen off, and they seemed to be holding back Xie Chen. Chen, let him not leave them. The only pity is that these trees can't speak now.

They are not like the seeds of the sacred trees that are sent out. Because those seeds are grown from them, their strength and potential are higher than the trees here.

Therefore, the strength they need to be able to speak is even stronger, and the starting point is higher. Unlike the seeds that were sent out, as long as they grow out, their strength will basically not change much, and there will be some powerful spiritual creatures or other opportunities.

But the trees in the Fairy King Forest were not. They could even cultivate to the same strength as Xie Chen if possible. But it is estimated that it will take hundreds of thousands of years or even longer. ..


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