Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 19 Chapter 390: Wuya and Pietersland

How could Xie Chen let the sacred tree expose their whereabouts! Acting high-profile was never what he wanted. After feeling the restlessness of the sacred tree, Xie Chen immediately used his own magic power to rush to the sacred tree in the middle of the town to appease. Let him calm down.

Such comfort is more laborious than suppression, just like treating your fans. You can’t fight or swear. It’s better to treat the enemy happily, just a single knife is enough.

It seemed that the sacred tree in the middle of the town had finally been calmed, and Xie Chen let out a long sigh.

"It's our god, there will be people welcome wherever you go." Gao Se naturally wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity to mock Xie Chen, and after speaking, he walked towards the town without looking back. go with. No longer pay attention to Xie Chen behind him.

"White-eyed wolf!" Xie Chen scolded, immediately behind him.

"What's going on today? The Sacred Tree just now,," the people in the town who had just witnessed the changes of the Sacred Tree said very suspiciously around the Sacred Tree.

"Could it be that the Demon Race sneaked in, and the Sacred Tree couldn't detect it?" Out of fear of the Demon Race, after an abnormal phenomenon, some people immediately guessed towards the worst.

"Don't talk nonsense! The sacred tree will not miss anyone from the Demon Race! You must firmly believe in the hope God brings us!" At this time, a slightly majestic person reprimanded the person who had just spoken. Road! His eyes were full of respect for the holy tree.

"Yes, Lord Mayor." The youth who spoke just now said apologetically. It seems that I feel guilty for doubting the sacred tree!

"That's right, Lord Mayor is right. The mood of the holy tree just now was obviously very excited, as if he met his companions. This will definitely not be the case when encountering those nasty demons! "The people around very much agree with what the mayor said just now. Some people even said the emotion he felt on the sacred tree at the moment.

"Well, no matter what it is, I will find someone to find out. You are all separated. What should you do? There is a holy tree. You don't need to worry about anything." The people were dismissed.

"Lord Mayor, is there really nothing going on?" In the end, a handsome young man with brown hair was left, looking nervously at the Lord Mayor.

"You can do nothing if you don't make trouble! Don't let me worry about you, Pietersland." The Lord Mayor who looked particularly stern in front of him looked at the brown-haired Pietersland and sighed. Obviously, Pietersland did not worry him less in the past.

"Hey, I've always been honest." Pieterslan said to the mayor as if he was really honest. However, his words did not seem to be credible.

"Pittsland! Yesterday you had no compensation for what you destroyed in the fight in the tavern!" Just after he had just finished saying this, a man with a big beard was full of alcohol, and he looked like a guy who often deals with drinks. Seeing Pietersland not far away, he shouted at Pietersland. slapped his chest for a second and said how honest Peteslan is like a cat with a tail trampled on him, feeling that the whole person is not well.

"You..." Seeing the mayor frowning as if to say something, Pieterslan hurriedly ran away.

"The mayor, there are still things in my house, what do you have, I'll talk about it later." Like a rabbit, it quickly disappeared into the street! The speed is so fast that the big beard who just yelled at him and the mayor who was standing there were a little stunned.

"Forget it, let him go, you report to me what you lost, and I will compensate him." The mayor smiled and shook his head, then said to the big beard standing aside.

"Mayor, how can I let you pay? Forget it, there is not much. Mayor, you can't be so used to him. If you have a chance, you still have to talk about him. This is not the first Once again." Beard never asked for the mayor's money, but he was still a little uncomfortable with what Pietrans had done.

Pietras is the only warrior in this town, and Pietras brought the holy tree back from the Fairy King Forest. But this guy is so unreliable! Although it is a big mistake, not making small mistakes constantly. If it was for the mayor's sake before, everyone would have sent him out a long time ago!

But despite saying that, as the only warrior in the town, Pietrans still protected the town for some time. The sacred tree is a living example.

In this era, both paladins and samurai knights are different from what they looked like three thousand years later, and their application and processing of magic is not as developed as three thousand years later.

After three thousand years, the paladins and samurai have always been very good at using magic! Almost everyone will have their own magic power. And because of the inability of magic power, the abilities of the paladins and the samurai are also different! But in general, it can't escape by using various magic powers to release and attack.

But now, only the Fairy Clan, the Demon Clan and the Goddess Clan can use magic proficiently and maturely! These races of them seem to be the darlings of the Father God by nature, and have been shrouded in the magic of the Father God since they were born!

This is true even for the lowest demon gods or the lowest goddess race, it's just that the level of magic power and the size are different.

But the reason of talent cannot hinder human progress. Samurai and Paladins are still very common, most of them through hard training, and then put the magic of the world floating in the air into their bodies.

This will give their bodies the power that ordinary people don't! And alchemists and magicians like Gaose are more proficient and powerful in applying magic power than the natural beloved goddesses and demons.

Of course, there are probably no more than ten such alchemists and magicians among real human beings! There is no way, the magical alchemist's research on magic requires a natural sensitivity and talent for magic!

There can be a lowly talented magician among hundreds of thousands, and the appearance of an alchemist is a lucky thing. ..


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