Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 95: Some possibility

Xie Chen took out the three of hearts from his pocket, put it on the table, and said, "Put it back into the poker cards in the hospital. You won’t know. You have done nothing wrong. Remember, that kind of person is not killing. No."

"Thank you." After saying that, Zemu Ye Zi looked at Xie Chen firmly, and seemed a little hesitant, as if she wanted to say something, or shake her hand, of course she did not do so.

On the way home, there seemed to be some possibility in the car. Zemu Ye Zi listened to the unknown music, looked ahead with energy, and after sending Xie Chen back to the detective office, he drove back to Zemu Hospital.

After driving off the Mihua Expressway, the rain stopped, but she did not turn off the wipers until she drove the car into the usual underground stop. She noticed the rain, but she did not expect to turn off the wipers.

She was confused and had to try to fix it. She still held the steering wheel in the braked car and sat there for a long time before taking her hand off the steering wheel.

The next morning, Maori detective agency.

Officer Megome did not come to inquire about the case, but a young woman came.

Although not as outstanding as Sawaki Yeba, it doesn't feel bad, and the makeup and dress are very decent.

The long hair is tied carefully behind his head, a pair of golden earrings, a beautiful turquoise suit skirt with black stockings, and a pair of black high heels on his feet.

"Hello, my name is Noriko Okaya." She sat on the sofa and said softly, "I will be here today mainly to investigate the correct address of Keishi Kitagawa. I have no other purpose."

She speaks softly, not in a hurry, and looks well-educated.

Mouri Kogoro sat on the opposite sofa and asked, "I'm sorry, but what is your relationship with Beichuan."

"Yes." Noriko Okaya nodded, "I met him when I traveled to Shinshu in early April."

Having said this, she paused for a while, and a blush rose on her cheeks, "At that time, I actually didn't feel any feelings for him, but there was a feeling this time, which made me feel that I must see him."

"So that's it." Kogoro Mouri said: "In that case, you are in love with this young man named Beichuan."


"That's it." Mao Lilan put the brewed tea on the table, "Please have tea, miss."

"thank you."

Xie Chen suddenly found Okaya Noriko's fingers trembling slightly.

"That..." Mouri Kogoro continued to ask, "Do you have any information about him."

"Yes." Okaya Noriko took out a piece of drawing paper from his backpack, "I have his license plate number, and I drew a portrait of him."

Kogoro Moori opened the drawing paper, and the man on the drawing paper had a triangular face with long hair. "This man has a very personal appearance. I understand. This matter is covered by me."

"Then trouble you."

After Okaya Noriko left, Kogoro Mouri held up the drawing paper with a smile and said, "Easy work is coming again. As long as I have the license plate number, I just need to check it at the Ministry of Transportation and I will know his address immediately."

"Uncle." Xie Chen asked, lying on the window sill, "Is that elder sister really looking for him just because he likes this talent?"

"What do you want to say?"

"What I mean is that whether it is a portrait or a essay sketch, it will naturally show the mood of the painter."


"What do I think of that portrait..."

"You burn it here and talk nonsense." Mouri Kogoro stood up and interrupted Xie Chen, "If you have time to spend time here, hurry up and do your homework. I'm out."

Later, Kogoro Mori left the office with the drawing paper.

"Xie Chen." Mao Lilan stood at the door and said, "You should not criticize Dad's work in the future..."

Just halfway through the conversation, she found that Xie Chen was not listening at all, but thoughtfully looking at the contact information left by Noriko Okaya on the desktop.

"Hey." She grabbed the commission paper directly, "You can't interfere in this matter, have you heard it?"

"Yes..." Xie Chen sighed helplessly, but when he lowered his head, he saw a pink handkerchief under the table. It seemed that Noriko Okaya had accidentally fallen here.

Later, Xie Chen ran out with a handkerchief and took the subway to the Mihua Villa area, where Noriko Okaya lived.

"Thank you, and I made a special trip to help me bring my handkerchief back."

At this time, Noriko Okaya had changed into home clothes, a white vest and red trousers. Her **** looked much plumper than expected, and her body was slender.

"Xie Chen." Taking the handkerchief Xie Chen sent over, he smiled and asked, "Would you like to drink cocoa."

Xie Chen nodded, "Okay."

Xie Chen looked at her room while Noriko Okaya was picking up Coke. The furniture was rudimentary, but it was spotlessly cleaned.

"Your room is so clean." Xie Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Right." Xie Chen said, "Sister, what are you doing?"

"Me?" Noriko Okaya took out the bag of cocoa from the refrigerator. "I used to work in a trading company, but I have quit."


Noriko Okaya poured cocoa powder into the pot and added hot water. The room was suddenly filled with the aroma of chocolate. "Because I have a sickness, I want to take advantage of this time to get better."


Xie Chen frowned slightly, and suddenly saw a can of lamp oil placed under the desk in the room, and an unopened wolf spray was placed on the desk.

He glanced at Okaya Noriko, got up and walked to the desk. The innermost part of the desk was a photo of a young man. The date of the photo was March 9.

"Okay, okay." Okaya Noriko suddenly walked over and took the photo away, "You kid, is the girl's room really that strange?"

Xie Chen scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"You saw something embarrassing." Noriko Okaya looked at the photo and said softly, "This person was my former boyfriend, but he dumped me a while ago, so I only think about it now. I want to find a new boyfriend."

Afterwards, she put the photo, poured the cooked cocoa powder into the cup, took out the cake, and put it on the dinner table.

"But..." Xie Chen sat down at the table, "This person feels so different from the person in the portrait."..


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