Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 107: Write tragedy

"Even if there are toxic substances on it, it can't be used as evidence!"

"You are wrong." Xie Chen said: "What I want the police officer to check is not actually poison."


At this time, Police Officer Megumi took out a silver-white lighter from the jacket pocket she threw away, and Terahara Mauri's face suddenly turned pale, almost screaming.

"Yes, that was the lighter that Kimura Tatsuya lost at the time." Xie Chen said: "So that coat actually didn't belong to the manager. She changed the clothes of Kimura Tatsuya beforehand in order to drown out the evidence. of."

Everyone moved their gazes to the coat in the hands of Officer Megume, and Terahara Mari seemed to be stunned, staring at the coat, as if she had lost the ability to speak.

"Because she applied potassium cyanate on the inner left elbow of Kimura Tatsuya's coat at the beginning. As long as he puts on the coat, the elbow part of the clothes inside will be stained with poisonous cyanide. Potassium acid."

Speaking of this, Xie Chen paused slightly in order to give Zemu Ye Zi a breather, and then continued: "Then Tatsu Kimura also sang the blood red Venus, and Tatsu Kimura did it without knowing it. The act of taking off the socks."

He sighed lightly, "Then touched the poisoned left elbow with his right hand. After that, no matter what he eats, he will die of poison."

"But..." Zhiqi Mei Jiangzi asked at this time: "Why is this?"

"Her motive is in this photo of the past orchestra on the table. This is the photo taken when the store manager was still in the orchestra."

Officer Megome picked up the photo on the table and looked at it for a long time without seeing anything unusual, so he asked, "Is there anything wrong with this photo? Is there anyone other than the store manager?"

"There is another person, the police officer, and the manager."


"She stood in the center with Tatsuya Kimura."

Officer Megome looked at Terahara Mari, then looked at the photos, and suddenly exclaimed, "Is that this?"

"That's right." Xie Chen said: "She in this photo is her main motive for murder."

Terahara Mari in the photo has long hair and looks very different from this time.

"Could it be that you go..."

Terahara Mari gritted her teeth, turned her face to the side, her voice was a little chilly, "Yes, I went to plastic surgery, I did it for Tatsuya."

Everyone cast incredible glances at her.

"I used to like him very much." Terahara took a deep breath. "I have liked Tatsuya very much since I joined the orchestra, so when he was selected as a professional singer, he asked me to come together, even as a manager. ."

She smiled bitterly, "I'm really happy to hear him say that. I think maybe he is also interesting to me. That's why I want to go for plastic surgery. I hope to be a woman worthy of Tatsuya."

Her almost desolate voice reverberated in the private room. Everyone was listening quietly, and couldn't bear to interrupt. Zemu Ye Zi looked back at Xie Chen and pursed the corner of her mouth." But after I had plastic surgery, his attitude completely changed. He always called me ugly, ugly in front of everyone, and every time he asked me to sing the red-nosed reindeer This song."

Yamada Katsuya suddenly said, "The song Tatsuya Dian sang for her has this meaning."

Terahara Mari smiled coldly, "In fact, he called me a manager from the beginning to insult me, so I can't forgive him."

She suddenly raised her voice, almost shouting, "Because I love him so much! So I can't forgive him!"

For a moment, silence was in the room.

"Miss Marie..." Xie Chen sighed silently, "It's not like that. In fact, Da Ye has been in love with you from a long time ago, but you don't know it."

"You don't talk nonsense!" Terahara Mari Okinawa Yoko exclaimed: "What do you know..."

"Mari!" The store manager Sumui interrupted her suddenly. "What this lady said just now is true, Officer Megome, give me that picture."

Officer Megome handed over the photo. After receiving the photo, the shopkeeper Sumui turned it over. On the back of the photo, there were densely packed kids.

"This is Tatsuya, the love song you wrote for the love you have always liked." The manager Sumui pushed the photo to Terahara Mari.

Terahara Mari looked at the lyrics on the back of the photo, the corners of her mouth trembled slightly, and then turned around, "Don't lie to me..." The voice was like crying.

"It's true, I didn't lie to you." Manager Sumui said: "This is the lyrics in the new song that Tatsuya is going to release this time. That kid, every time he always mentions you, he always It’s telling me why you care about other people’s eyes so much."

"But..." Terahara Mari's shoulders trembled slightly, tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes, and she whispered, "But Tatsuya, every time in front of me..."

The store manager Sumui said: "He has always had a different heart. I think he must hope that you change back to the way you were."

"There is such a thing..."

Terahara Mari looked at the lyrics on the back of the photo blankly, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, unable to make any sound, her body gradually became cold, and she personally killed the person who loved her deeply...

Shibaki Mieko remembered what she had confessed before, and couldn't help but say: "Tatsuya before..."

Yamada has patted her on the shoulder and motioned her not to continue speaking.

Xie Chen couldn't help feeling sad about this. He walked out from behind Sawaki Yeko, stared at Terahara Mari, and shook his head slightly. A young man who did not want to admit the facts and a woman with hidden faces just missed happiness and wrote tragedy.

Among the sad cries and tears of Terahara Mari, there was only that picture, still smiling sadly.

Subsequently, the police took Terahara Mari away, and Officer Megumi also admired Sawaki Yoko's reasoning for this, and Sawaki Yoko himself only smiled and didn't say much.

Xie Chen asked Officer Mumu to block Dr. Sumaki to help the police find out the news of the murderer. Zemu Ye Zi agreed with this. Although Officer Mumu was puzzled, he agreed.

In fact, it is not too much trouble. Except for Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko, all members of the orchestra, as long as they don't tell them, no one will know.

After all, those who are dead are celebrities. Tomorrow the media will definitely report on it, so it is better not to be too public. ..


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