Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 160: A dangerous building

Xie Chen often thought of those people, those who were killed by him. They stood on the other side of the river, waiting for him, and said to him, "Welcome, brother."

For the next week, Xie Chen would walk here every night and look at each other with the little girl. The little girl always watched Xie Chen timidly in the distance.

On the weekend night, Xie Chen came back from Zemu Ye Zi. When he passed the street, it was almost early in the morning. There were basically no pedestrians on the street, and the car with cold noodles was preparing to close the stall.

At this moment, the little girl stood in front of the cold noodle car, raised her hands and said with difficulty to the boss.

The little girl spoke in a foreign language, but the cold noodle boss couldn't understand it at all, so the little girl had to gesture with her hands.

A minute later, the cold noodle boss was finally impatient with her, and said loudly: "If you don't understand or understand, you kid go away and stay here every day. I want to make money and go away. Go away."

The two entangled for a while, and the little girl finally realized that there could be no results, and turned and crouched in front of the small ditch by the side and sobbed.

She hugged her knees, curled her whole body tightly, and looked at the road here from time to time, as if she was expecting someone to show up.

Xie Chen hid in the shadow under the shop, she couldn't find it at all.

Although it was already summer at this time, the weather hadn't completely turned hot, especially at night, it was still a bit cool, and the little girl's feet were folded together and kept rubbing.

After watching this for a while, Xie Chen sighed silently. Since he has already come, he can't hesitate, and then he walked over.

The little girl also saw Xie Chen coming over, raised her head, widened her eyes, and stood up, as if she wanted to run over, but after all she did not act.

She thought Xie Chen was the one who saved their mother and daughter that night, but Xie Chen has always denied it.

Thinking about it, Xie Chen didn't seem to be a few years older than her. How could he use a gun, but in any case, Xie Chen and the big sister actually gave her money at the bridge that day.

Xie Chen walked to the grilled cold noodles stand and said softly, "Boss, do you have grilled cold noodles for sale?"

The cold-baked noodle boss saw a customer coming, and said hurriedly: "Ah, there is another, you sit first, and you will be ready right away. You are here at the right time, I am just about to close the stall."

"Take two copies." Xie Chen thought for a while and said: "No, three copies, one package, thank you."

After that, he beckoned to the little girl, and the hesitating little girl suddenly lit up, ran to him, and said in English: "Brother..."

"Sit down." Also speaking in English, Xie Chen asked the little girl to sit on the side, then took off his coat and put it on the little girl's body. He gently wiped away the stains on her face.

Since it's already here, let's do it to the end, just like killing people, cutting grass and roots. When doing this, Xie Chen remembered the little girl who was strangled to death.

After a while, the first cold noodles were served. Xie Chen pushed to the front of the little girl and watched her swallowing and crying. Xie Chen stroked her back and asked the owner of the cold noodles: "Boss, does this little girl come every day?"

The boss said without raising his head: "I only came here a few days ago. He looks like a foreigner. He is here every day, as if he is waiting for someone."

Having said this, he sighed, "I didn't wait the night before yesterday, so I just stayed here, and I didn't want to go until I closed the stall. I kept squatting beside and crying. It was very pitiful.

"It's very poor." Xie Chen handed the money to the boss.

The boss took the money and sighed again: "I also do a small business. There are elderly and children at home. There is no way to help, kid, do you know her?"

"Yes." Xie Chen nodded and said, "It's a distant relative of mine. He just returned from the United States. He had gone away a few days ago. Now I finally found it. After eating, I will take her back."

"So..." the boss said, "Where is your sir?"

"I'm looking for it too. I'll call them later." Xie Chen poured a glass of water and brought it to the little girl who was choked. He whispered, "Eat slowly, don't worry."

"Um..." The little girl drank, "Thank you brother."

"Eat slowly, what's your name?"

"Lisa... Lisa Fujii."

Xie Chen nodded, he was indeed a mixed race.

After a while, another plate of grilled cold noodles was also brought up. Xie Chen ate two bites and pushed aside. Lisa Fujii ate desperately, but still did not finish.

Later, under the leadership of Lisa Fujii, Xie Chen carried the packaged roasted cold noodles to the dangerous building on the other side of the street. As expected, the mother and daughter really lived here.

In the first two years of this dangerous building, there were many homeless people or beggars living in it, but in the spring of today, a half of it collapsed without warning. Since then, the number of people who dare to live here has decreased.

The building was very dim, and moonlight came in obliquely through the gaps in the walls, but it was almost useless. Even so, it was still possible to see what was inside.

Through the dark and deep corridor, the two of them went up to the third floor. At the end, a dim light burst out slightly. Lisa Fujii was about to turn her head and talk to Xie Chen, but Xie Chen covered her mouth in vain.

At the end of the passage, there was a woman's weak struggle and cry for help. The voice grew louder and desperate.

Fujii Lisa also heard her mother's cry for help, broke free from Xie Chen's arms, shouted, and rushed out like crazy.

In the gloomy passage, the little girl's desperate cry echoed, and then it seemed that she tripped over something and fell to the ground. Regardless of the pain, she got up and continued to run.

Xie Chen stood there watching her rush into the dimly lit room.

Then, the little girl yelled from the room, "Let go of my mother! Let go of my mother! What are you going to do..."

Xie Chen frowned slightly, walked over slowly, and picked up a wooden stick leaning against the wall.

When he walked to the edge of the room, he quietly looked inside. Apart from the blond woman and the little girl, there was only one middle-aged man dressed as a worker. He was tall and worked on the construction site all the year round and his body was quite strong.

At this time, the middle-aged man had already taken off half of his pants, cursing in his mouth, pushing the little girl aside.

The blonde woman's pajamas had been torn apart, exposing a large amount of white, tightly protecting the little girl who was thrown to the ground by the man.

Can't hesitate anymore, Xie Chen rushed in with a wooden stick. ..


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