Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 20 Chapter 302: Test feelings

"I am also very worried about Guihezi's situation now. I will come later."

After all, Matsuzaki turned around to open the dean's room.

"Sure enough, you still can't rest assured." Xie Chen said in the voice of Kogoro Moori: "This is no wonder, because after all, this is an important juncture between the murderer and the attempted murder."


Matsuzaki's shoulders trembled, and Fei Yingli didn't expect it even more. She thought that this squinted, sloppy, confused detective hadn't noticed anything, because he had mastered everything.

"Yes." Xie Chen said slowly: "This is not an accident at all, but a whole set of scenes planned by the murderer for the purpose of killing people. Guihezi was held by the murderer and deliberately bitten by the sea snake. Hurt."

Having said that, he paused for a while, and then continued: "This murderer is you, Miss Matsuzaki Haru."

Matsuzaki was surprised, and Mao Lilan immediately questioned: "No."

Xie Chen said, "The problem lies in the tooth marks of the sea snake."

"The tooth print of the sea snake?" Mao Lilan asked in confusion, while Fei Yingli looked at Maori Kogoro quietly without speaking.

Xie Chen said: "Generally speaking, sea snakes have relatively small mouths. If sea snakes really want to bite humans, they will only bite such subtle areas as fingertips."

"However, the traces of sea snake teeth biting on Guihezi's body are the parts of the back of the hand that the sea snake cannot bite."

"The murderer came forward when Guihezi was drowning and jammed the head of the sea snake he had hidden with his hand, forced the sea snake to open his mouth, and then let the sea snake chew on the back of Guihezi's hand. I was right, Matsuzaki Haru. Miss."

As pointed out by a famous detective, Matsuzaki Haru was not too flustered, her face was calm, but her eyes revealed a faint worry.

"I understand." Fei Yingli said with her arm in her arms: "It turns out that you are pretending to be confused, but you have already seen everything. Then I will ask you, our great detective."

She said in a hurry: "Do you have any evidence that Xiaochun was the murderer. At that time, could it be impossible for other people to commit the murder? In addition, everyone would run to save people at that time, all because Guihezi drowned. accident."

Matsuzaki nodded silently.

Xie Chen said, "What if her drowning was not an accident?"


"What if Guihezi's drowning was deliberate."

"Intentionally?" Mao Lilan asked, "Why did Guihezi do this."

Xie Chen smiled softly, full of playfulness.

"Regardless of men and women, everyone wants to know the feelings of the other half for themselves. Sometimes, in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex, they may deliberately be intimacy with other characters, and sometimes they may deliberately not wear the wedding ring on their hands. ."

auzw.comFei Hideri lowered her eyes, turned her head, suddenly felt guilty, and embarrassed to look at Kogoro Mouri.

Mao Lilan said, "Then my father said Guihe son her?"

"Yes." Xie Chen said: "Kui Hezi deliberately pretended to be drowning in order to test his fiancé Yahiko's feelings for her, in order to know if Yahiko, who can't swim, will rush to save him. she was."

Matsuzaki lowered his head, and Xie Chen continued: "The best evidence is that after Guihezi found Yayan among the people who rushed to the sea to rescue him, he muttered to himself with peace of mind, and said that it was too good. words."

"But." Mao Lilan said, "Mr. Yayan and Guihezi will have a wedding next week. Why do you want to do this?"

Fei Yingli suddenly said: "Because of this, she wants to prove it personally. Who told her fiancé to be close to a well-known person, he is not angry, of course she would want to make him anxious. "

She tapped her chin with her finger, "So, just to achieve this goal, the two of them will join forces to perform a drowning farce."

"There are two people?" Mao Lilan asked.

"Yes, it's two people." Fei Yingli returned and glanced at Matsuzaki Haru who bowed her head deeply.

"There must be someone in this plan who can let Masahiko know immediately when Guihezi is drowning, and the plan will be successful. If she was rescued by other guests on the beach before Yayan found out, it would not be beautiful. what."

She looked at Matsuzaki Haru and slowly said, "I think this person should be you, Miss Xiaochun."

Matsuzaki's head lowered deeper, as if he could not find any excuses, and he pressed his lips and said nothing.

Fei Yingli did not persecute, but continued.

"As for the code for the beginning of this plan, Guihezi told Xiaochun, can you please help me to get the new towel in our room, right? From what Guihezi said, it should be at that time. ."

Mao Lilan said eagerly: "But I remember that at that time Xiaochun obviously prevented Guihezi from snorkeling in the sea, besides, how could the two of them do this in front of the big detective, Dad."

Xie Chen shook his head slightly. Maorilan was brave and kind, and he believed in feelings too much. He always believed that there were no bad people in the world, and even justified the murderer. Sometimes, being too sacred can make people bored.

He sighed silently and said slowly.

"It is because of this that I have to stop it, so that I can see it, but Guihezi still insisted on acting according to the original plan, because she didn't know that at this time, Miss Xiaochun had also secretly made another plan in her heart. ."

"What?" Maorilan couldn't believe it.

Xie Chen continued: "When Miss Xiaochun returned to the room to get the towel, she put the sea snake that she had hidden in the room in her pocket, and then returned to the sea view restaurant with the towel."

"So, after seeing the time, she made a signal to Guihezi who was in the sea at the time, and asked her to start pretending to be drowning."

"Then when everyone is rushing into the sea together, take the sea snake hidden in advance out of the pocket, and let the sea snake bite Guikako."

Fei Yingli hugged her arm and said, "You are not mistaken, my detective, the most important weapon has now escaped gracefully into the Pacific Ocean. If this most important weapon disappears, it will be in court. It is impossible to establish."..


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