Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 118: : Yin Yang Wushu

They didn't spend much time searching for them. After all, they can tell what is stored in it at a glance. One of them is a psychotropic herb that is almost extinct in the world. Unfortunately, they cannot accommodate thousands of people. Many years of baptism have allowed the medical spirit to see the waste of so many expensive spiritual herbs, and the explosive flesh is not too strong.

Soon, they entered a room, and various spirit orbs were suspended. There are thousands of people in their eyes, and they are not top martial arts. They all belong to the ranks of spiritual martial arts. .

This content simply makes them jump into the ocean of spiritual martial arts. For a while, everyone walked in excitedly and immediately put a pearl on their forehead. After many attempts, most of them have been captured.

"Wan Jian decided, spiritual martial arts!" Jian Ming just sucked a pearl in his mind, and his face was immediately filled with excitement, just as he shouted, his body was like a road, and the sword light flickered, as if Has been merged invisibly.

"Millions of mountains, superior spiritual martial arts!" Yu Li also got the martial arts he was very satisfied with. When he smeared it slightly, it instantly caused his body to become heavy, and the secret room was instantly filled with slender lines. If the crack is not fast enough, the crack will collapse in an instant.

In particular, Zhang Xina was described as a bumper harvest. This place is a treasure house for magicians. It is not an exaggeration to store a large number of arrows. Therefore, most of the martial arts in this field belong to arrow techniques, and only a few are other types of martial arts.

The most annoying is Xie Chen. After constant experimentation, he can only look at other people's martial arts skills. He didn't even get root hairs himself. It seems that the practice of cultivation limits his choice of martial arts.

In this case, everyone is working together to find the martial arts Xie Chen properly practiced. Thousands of Spirit Orbs will be judged one by one. Xie Chen is a little numb, which is inevitable.

But Xie Chen couldn't refuse everyone's kindness, and kept sending his companions to his forehead, disappearing from people's eyes within an hour, thousands of pearls disappeared, most of them failed. Put it in the Qiankun bag that Zhang Xina prepared in the early days, so that even if the gold and silver treasures outside are looted by others, there will be no pain, just because spiritual martial arts can become a golden mountain and silver mountain, and it can be changed into endless Resource cultivation.

"Forget it, I practice yin and yang, there is basically no yin and yang martial arts in the world. It is a waste of time to continue!" Xie Chen tried to reach seven hundred beads, even if he was unwilling, he could only compromise according to his own destiny, and did not intend to waste time , Push the Elf Bead to the front and shake his head.

"Xie Chen, if you don't try, you will know that there is no spiritual martial arts suitable for your practice. More importantly, when we can smash our palms with a few beads, we cannot be less than three hundred spirits left. You Did you get the ball in the beads? "Zhu Ying felt helpless when she heard Xie Chen's collapse. After all, after changing her life, she hopes that people often want to exchange what they have when they can’t get it.

But these are foreign objects, they are completely different from themselves. They must exchange just to return to the embrace of heaven and earth and live again!

"Continue!" When he complained in his heart, there was a heavy sigh in his heart. He seemed unwilling to compromise his fate. He must compare with God and must get what he wants. ..


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