Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 354: :I am still alive

Shouted out. I don't know what Xie Chen is doing. To say that the body has been planted in a river several meters deep. After a sip of water. She dared not shout anymore. Only after the commandment died did he take a deep breath. Immediately sink to the bottom. Then the speed of the swinging limb swims upstream. Because several colleagues of Ouyang Lanlan entered the water. Ah Zha has jumped into the river. A panic color appeared on his face. Ouyang Lan Lanzhen saw Xie Chen still standing on the gravel and the beach. Dodge two spheres when hitting the ball. Wave while the wave hits. Suddenly at least a hundred fluorescent light bulbs appeared beside him. This is to ignore him using his tricks again. No wonder the aunt is afraid to face anyone.

At the same time, a squeaking sound was heard. The sound of Xie Chen entering the water was low and sounded at the same time. Ouyang Lanlan felt that the whole water was shaking. I feel that the eardrum is under a lot of pressure. I do not care. Desperately opened his mouth and poured water into his mouth. not like this. Ouyang Lanlan knew that the shock wave of the explosion would stun in the river.

Even Liang Liang felt that his body could not compete with the shock wave of the explosion. I feel weak in front of me. When the body is about to sink into the water. Embraced by powerful arms. Take her to go snorkeling. Ouyang Lanlan seems to be still watching Aladdin. When the explosion did not disappear. You can also see that Aladdin's eyes are closed. The explosion of fire reflected Aladdin's pale cheeks. She was in a coma. Xie Chen's other hand was caught in the middle.

later. Ouyang Lanlan didn't know anything. coma.


When Ouyang Lanlan woke up. I found my body lying on the smooth stone. The warm sun shines on the body. very warm. When Ouyang Lanlan woke up from a coma, she found her body soaked in a large smooth stone. The white flat shoes on her feet have disappeared. The feet are very light, the sun is shining, and the sun shines on the body. The warmth, the screams of the birds on the treetops made Ouyang Lanlan completely return. Is this a valley surrounded by very quiet forests? The sound of distant water is very weak.

I am still alive! ? Crazy, although the body is aching and the feeling is not strong, but the elderly mother finally escaped from the **** demon laboratory base! ...Where is Xie Chen? Why doesn't he think he is nearby? Even the American girl Aladdin has not disappeared!

Ouyang Lanlan's heart was ecstatic and escaped from the birth of one day. She immediately remembered Xie Chen who was inseparable from her. Obviously not by her side? Another American girl, Aladdin, seems to be dragged into the water by Xie Chen, and her life has changed a lot. She seems a little sad, I don't know where I went?

There must be a problem with these two people! Can Xie Chen do first aid? I remember my aunt was in a coma shortly after entering the water. Yes, it should be like this. No, I am turning around looking for it. I hope they will not have accidents? Who knows how far is it from the first laboratory base in May?

Liang Lixin sneaked in from his stomach, his arm was supported on the stone, and his body jumped into the one-meter-high white stone.

The sudden dizziness made Ouyang Lanlan's body wobbly, almost instability. Liang Liguang stepped on the sparse grass-covered land. Shuangfeng looked around and found a man holding a dense tree. The gap between the trees is covered by grass, but within a distance of more than ten meters around her, it is an open space in the forest. It is dotted with two or three gray or white gems. ..


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