Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 372: :Determined

And now is the time for two guerrillas in Assam to clash with each other. The situation in Assam is very unstable. Indian military police and paramilitary organizations strictly investigate unauthorized intruders. The entire team of mercenaries in Lanxi continued to enter the vicinity of Jinpu. Rarely encountered military and police inspections. This attracted great attention from Lanxi. The operation of the employer’s various resources can only be described as a sigh.

after that. Organize Asian departments and related laboratory bases according to the organization provided by the employer. It can be estimated at the approximate location. The last time it was delivered via a special route. Regarding agents trained in laboratories in the United States. Participated in an operation organized by the Ministry of Asian Blacks in Black May. Three of them are now in Jinpu. The enemy and friends did not know that Lanxi should take terrorist intelligence seriously. All available resources of the employer were immediately cut off. Lanxi knew it started here. It depends on all members of the mercenary team in the 21st month. The employer can no longer provide him with any help.

the following few days. John, Andrew and Anthony of the Mind Research Laboratory are the three exclusive agents. Magically escaped tracking and surveillance in Gimpo. Those black surrounding members who follow and monitor. They were all resolved by the Lanxi team members who had been eyeing them. John also believes that the Asian Department of Black May only tracks and monitors. Actually, I didn't know how to do it twice before. The follow-up surveillance has turned into a direct premeditated killing. They were all blocked by the Lanxi team.

Facing an increasingly straightforward situation. Jerry decided to join forces with three American agents, who were obviously skeptical of the Black May Organization. But the intelligence resources you need. Therefore, please ask what to get before you leave. Jerry hopes to obtain real-time information from his cousin Karl, such as the military and police activities in the city, the activities of intelligence agencies in the region, and the activities of members of the Asian Ministry. . Since this time, Lanxi has made up his mind. He must be careful. This is the sphere of influence of Black Plum. The mysterious employer has shown the resources that can be used very well, and mysteriously disappeared. , Can only rely on Karl.

Who knows, Carl is still immersed in the speculation of the mysterious employer. Lanxi is a bit annoyed. Carl always thinks about this unsolved problem. He walks a few steps at the speed of his sneakers and stands on the table to operate the equipment himself.

I saw his hands and fingers running like a fly on the keyboard, a small LCD screen on the table quickly popped up a piece of data, Lan Xi quietly wrinkled his forehead, looked half a circle, and threw it away in vain Keyboard, turned and sat back on the fabric sofa.

Tiga has been sitting on the sidelines, with his arms in his arms, standing on the table with various equipment. Light gray eyes flashed a lot, knowing that Lanxi’s mood was actually very uncomfortable, Diga said directly: "Hey, I know what you think. When the middleman came into contact with us in Sierra Leone, you began to wonder who was acting. Behind it! But this is just suspicion, and there is no evidence to support your strange inference. You know this, I know Carl, I think it’s okay, I want to find the revenge of the Black May organization. I think I will join forces with three US agents as soon as possible Get in touch with them as soon as possible. They must know the black people. In May, there are many insiders. Maybe they really know the specific location of the laboratory and the base of the organization?"..


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