Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 398: : Let no one live

Xie Chen then pointed. Ouyang Lanlan knew. Lower the number and pick up the gun, then walk to another overturned truck. Cover the truck for the mercenary in the car. With the cover of Xie Chen and Ouyang Lanlan. The mercenaries in both vehicles are outside. The uninjured guns traveled at gun speed. The front cab door is severely deformed. The two mercenaries apparently fainted. Blood oozes on the face and forehead. There are mercenaries on the truck driving the blood. I am trying to pick up the door. But I cannot open it. Xie Chen shook his head slightly. Walked a few steps and I was near the door. do not speak. I played the general gesture first. Let the mercenaries who are still carrying the door stop their useless actions. The mercenary looked at Xie Chen in front of him. Don't move right away. The mercenaries took part in the last operation on the Yunnan border. I know Xie Chen is not an ordinary person. Solving the deformation door puts no pressure on Xie Chen.

Xie Chen smashed his cup on the door. Wipe away the glass **** on the window frame. Put away the pistol. Hold the metal window frame with both hands. Snoring. The severely deformed door with lock pin was torn off by Xie Chen. Still on the muddy soil next to it. Splash a little dirt.

The mercenary driving the truck is about to jump off the bus. I saw Xie Chen's face suddenly changed. Then I felt tight in my chest. Then his body flew out of the car. After crushing two tea trees, he rolled several times on the ground to stabilize his body. I haven't figured out what happened. The bodies of two people flew around. A head squatted on him. The three fell into a goal. It doesn't feel much influence. At the same time, the Chinese man's snoring sounded. It is dangerous to say something. If you don't get out of the car, get out immediately. Later, a familiar whistle sounded from the tea garden. The heart in the mercenary is dark: lying. It is also an artillery shell. Let no one live.

Then there was a noise in the tea factory not far away. The mercenary felt dizzy in front of him.

I don't know how long it has been. He woke up immediately. A fierce light weapon exchanged fire in the ear. Occasionally, the shell bombardment sounded. Intermittent spots and sweeping sounds can irritate the eardrum. The mercenaries knew that by continuously firing g36 assault rifles and drum bullets to make a crisp sound. Then I felt the burning pain on my face. Apparently he was awakened by the people. Mercenary Jerry's big eyes are very close. A pair of blue-gray eyelids were filled with crimson blood. A face that looked cold and hot was blackened by smoke. Jenny's whisper sounded in his ear: "Mercenary. What is your duty? Hurry up and give up on me. We are surrounded. If you don't want to die, take your gun and do it."

His familiar sniper rifle was put back into his hands. The mercenary immediately appeared in spirit. Think of yourself as a sniper in the team. Immediately roll over and climb up. As a sniper in the team. Skills and tactics are certainly not weak. Soon, it was obvious that the entire mercenary team had left the tea plantation. Flat dam on the hillside. There are many big rocks everywhere. The mountain village is already behind. The constantly emerging warhead hit a nearby stone. Meet the rock with high rock hardness. It will also strike and cause sparks. Form a jump. It seems that the team is really surrounded.

The sniper who has experienced many battles quickly showed his talent. Constantly changing positions within a minute. Four shots were fired. ..


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