Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 401: : Opportunity Recovery

As for where to go, Jerry didn't need to think about it. The mercenary team has a clear division of labor. The two mercenaries who were the most senior soldiers went to the gentle **** on the northwest side, and the other mercenaries were shocked. The mercenaries with broken leg bones consisted of five people (the truck on the mountain road, the mercenaries on the car were really lucky, some simple bruises, subcutaneous bleeding, the second car was directly knocked out by the car. Three people, one person Who broke his leg and was shocked by the blast wave nearby)

After the first mortar bomb exploded, Xie Chen got closer to the three mercenaries who fell into a group. Just like other mercenaries nearby, they can quickly take off and leave without taking them away. I can only see three unconscious comrades being dismantled by cannonballs and then smashed down (the mercenary cannot give up injured companions is the basic principle), because they are working with Jerry's team, they will resist a person's shoulders. For Xie Chen, nothing. Ouyang Lanlan saw Xie Chen carrying the mercenary on his back and leading the mercenary team into the combat team. Immediately afterwards, Xie Chen immediately guarded the gun. Xie Chen had only one pistol, and Ouyang Lanlan dragged the belt with her belt, but this was a 36-round assault rifle with 100 rounds of ammunition. The firepower is very strong, covering Xie Chen better.

The gentle **** on the northwest side is actually far away from Xie Chen and other western alternative routes. However, there is a rocky beach near the woods. It belongs to the topography of ridges and dams. There are big rocks everywhere. The members of the February mercenary team are all veterans. Oil, after weighing the pros and cons, choose to rush into the rocky beach, because this way you can avoid killing small-caliber mortar shells with big rocks and consuming the opponent's mortar shells. The other directions are not unobstructed or too far away, which is too risky, but The mortar shells never stopped squatting over. No refuge is purely the goal of gunmen. As long as you hide on the rocky beach, the morale of the mercenary team often cannot compete with the enemy. Mercenaries, even if they may face the risk of being surrounded, are worth it. Being bombarded by shells is very impressive morale. In February, the mercenary team needs a chance to recover.

Jerry and others may be obviously "arrogant" and ignore the opponent's performance. Following the song of Xie Chen and his team, the mortar bomb exploded. After they saw them approaching the rocky beach, the mortar shelled Jerry and other people who had entered the rocky area. By stopping the shelling of the space, they quickly checked the weapons and ammunition, and saw some wounds that required simple dressing with bandages. Of the four comrades in a coma, three of them woke up while he was treating the wound on his body. The mercenary driving the van did not wake up, he was lying on a place where the mercenary broke his leg. Carol and another maid are looking after them. With the speed of the bush strips and bandages, the mercenary's calf bones were simply fixed.

Xie Chen saw Karl's assault rifle and suggested that Karl give him an assault rifle. Carl began to refuse, or Jerry's gesture, Carl reluctantly handed over 36 assault rifles and a tactical vest full of magazines. The small communicator Xie Chen didn't want to. Carl was shocked that the communicator casually hung it on the tactical belt. He also got one thing, his waterproof backpack was filled with electronic equipment. When he was crossing the river, Karl was hit by a bullet on his right thigh. The waterproof backpack was carried by Jerry. It's been a few hours now, and it's no problem to see Carl's support. Jerry will naturally be waterproof. The backpack was handed over to Carl because it was originally carried by Carl (As for seeing Xie Chen's gun rotted, Carl regretted handing over it later). ..


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