Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 533: : Very great

If the dead can sing, then Harry must be singing happily at this time.

This scene is actually very strange: a person is trimming the hair of the corpse, and the corpse is enjoying caressing and singing that humans cannot hear.

But Xie Chen looked at the scene and only remembered Zhong Meixin's words. After a while, he asked again: "I understand, now that the public power is insufficient, the victim should solve the crime by himself."

"Come on, it's time to wash," Zhong Meixin said. He didn't answer right away, but tied the hair to Harry's head before smiling. "Yes, in the current world, crime is more important than forgiving them."

"So why can Miss Vieira de Mello forgive this crime? We all agree that she did the right thing. No one thinks she should forgive those people?" Ms. Ye asked immediately without hesitation. .

"Okay, okay, I'll wash you tomorrow," Zhong Meixin smiled and patted Harry. Harry obviously wanted to clean up, then turned to Xie Chenshi and said, "Well, Xiaojie, think about it again?"

Xie Chen picked up a towel and slowly made a gesture of wiping his face. Then, she put the towel in front of Harry, and painted a new pattern on the plastic sheet. Harry looked at it carefully and looked at her curiously, then slowly picked up the towel and learned the way Zhong Meixin was , Wiped his face again.

"It's fast," Chung Meixin said, obviously satisfied with Harry's speed. Harry obviously felt comfortable wiping his dirty face with a towel, or rather strangle him to death. Zhong Meixin looked at it with interest, Xie Chen thought for a while, and suddenly understood, and asked excitedly: "Mom, are you saying that the lady's affairs are not lacking in public power? I will bring People go to catch the murderers, try them, and let her handle them, so I really represent the public power?"

"Okay, okay," Zhong Meixin said happily. Glad to know.

"I understand," Xie Chen scratched his ears excitedly, but after a while, he stopped sadly again: "However, the price she paid herself was too high, she didn't say it, and took the whole area. It's messed up," he said. "

"Zhong Meixin," said softly. "Forgiveness is real forgiveness only if you have the ability to clear the crime and are completely voluntary. This is what happened to the lady, when you bring the murderer here. She has the right to execute the murderer as soon as she speaks, which is actually A kind of liquidation. Hidden means deterring crime: the crime will be judged by the victim. Xiaojie, you have to know. A fair and public judgment is liquidation, and the outcome of the judgment is not important."

"Um... yes," Xie Chen said.

Zhong Meixin continued to whisper: "Xiao Li’s story is very different. She has never had a chance, and the crimes she has experienced have not been tried. You use guns and intimidation to forgive her. The most important thing is that she and everyone knows. She will never have a chance to convict Miss.

"Ah..." Xie Chensuo could only sigh.

"Well. Forgiveness is always a special case, and it can never be a rule. Crimes must be cleared, or we will be undone. Without public power, "any individual liquidation is as great as forgiveness." "Here, Zhong Meixin smiled and looked at him from a distance. "In fact, this kind of behavior is particularly great in our country. Our culture is accustomed to peace and accustomed to messing around. ..


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