Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 546: : One can do it

"Some of them were locked by simple cages and iron doors. It is an emergency evacuation. We don't have time and manpower to take them to a safe place. Once they come out, it will be a big trouble. The lieutenant looked back at him. There is a trace of fear on the surface: "Sir, please close this area as soon as possible. "

"I understand," Xie Chen said, and despite his doubts, he remained calm. "Go on, be safe."

"Yes, sir." The ensign saluted, and then ran to the door with his men. After running a few steps, he turned to Xie Chen, who was about to move forward, and shouted: "Sir! I suggest that anyone not approach the test area."

Xie Chen smiled and waved his hand. Watching the ensign leading his team leave, his heart became more and more suspicious. He looked back at the dark and deep passage in the mountain. The faint yellow light on the passage wall not only didn't feel bright, it was even more serious. The cold of the underground passage.

He looked at the endless passage, took a deep breath, and flew again. Soon, the first fork opened, stopped, recalled the direction, and turned to the main communication center.

Over-stressed voice? Xie Chen stretched out his hand with a shotgun, looked at the other fork, shook his head, and continued to run to the command center, soon his fate was reached.

Unlike Xie Chen’s imagination, now is the busy time. The command system is empty, with only the hum of the exhaust fan and the squeaking of a few computers. You can sit in front of the flashing screen and use your laptop and tablet to connect to the command. system.

"What's the matter?" Xie Chen walked in the door eagerly. "Is there any trouble?"

The officers immediately stepped forward to salute, and a staff officer glanced at Ren Le with an expression of dissatisfaction. His face was full of anxiety: "Sir! Lieutenant Ren did not know why, and stopped the operation after the system was shut down."

"I have a question," Ren broke his words. "It takes time."

"I can't see what you are doing!" the police officer shouted anxiously and distrustfully.

"I want to think! My brain is working, not like you losers!" Boss Ren replied contemptuously: "Boss Ye, you came just right, let them all go. I can't help it, it's too noisy, I can't be quiet ."

"We have been silent! We didn't bother you at all!" The officer was very angry, and he could hardly keep his mouth shut. Ren Leihui widened his eyes and said, "You are too ugly. I feel sick when I see you. I can't concentrate at all."

To be fair, this officer is not handsome, but it has nothing to do with the word "ugly". Xie Chen knew that Lenler was a bastard, but it was an emergency and he had to lose his temper. "Lieutenant Ren should be quiet at this time of the day and don't be disturbed. You should go out first."

"Tell them to go, tell them to go," Ren cried. "I can do it alone, they keep dry hair."

"Yan Shao will order us to ensure that the system leaves safely," the major said tremblingly. "What do you want?"

"I am in charge of this now," Xie Chen said quickly. "You go out first."

Some soldiers walked out of the command center in desperation, but still refused to go out. Xie Chen was helpless. Le Qi, the man at the helm, said: "Xiao! What are you doing? Hurry up and complete the system and restore the security system. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. !"

Ren Lehui shook his head and said, "Close the door."


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