Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 646: :My professor

The temperature in the stone chamber returned to normal, and the word "third floor entrance" appeared on the crystal door. After a few seconds, the crystal door disappeared automatically, and the sparkling entrance appeared in front of a few people. Almost all of us looked at Xie Chen. After a moment of silence, Li Yao began to say, "Is this the second floor?" Everyone looked at each other and said that the stone room was almost too difficult to pass, but after Xie Chen discovered the organization, the second floor seemed much easier than the first floor.

"I wonder if the third floor is easier than the second?" When she walked into the entrance, Li Yao couldn't help but think secretly, before it was weightless. When everyone opened their eyes again, they had come to an antique house. Their location was in the main hall, and the layout of the main hall was antique. There are similarities with the mansions of many important people in Junlin, the tables and chairs of red south wood, the faint fragrance, the paintings and vases that can be seen everywhere, all of which give you an illusion, just like in Junlin City. "Sizhuyue, cross the border." As we looked around, a woman wearing a mask walked into the side door of the hall with a smile in her eyes. She was wearing the latest robe of God-Qi Tianfu. This long green and white dress is similar to the long-sleeved fairy dress, with the cuffs fastened. It looks more skillful, unlike the traditional Imperial College tutoring uniform. The new tutoring dress is not for the big "teacher" Embroidered on the back, but the armband hung on the shoulder. The word "God" is embroidered in a very elegant font.

"I've seen my mentor." Although the scene is psychedelic, but looking at the woman now does not seem to be illusory. Xie Chen and others hurriedly held a disciple ceremony, the woman was still frowning and smiling, watching one by one Several people: "I am here for rhythm assessment." All you have to do is say what I am playing, and you can pass it. "The woman's tone was very gentle and sounded very comfortable. Li Yao's eyes lit up, and he only felt that when he walked on the third floor, prayer had worked." When they saw Xie Chen, they had no objection, and the woman didn't say much. She just clapped her hands, and quickly walked into the side door with two waiters, one holding the piano and the other holding the incense burner. They quickly put the piano platform on the main table. Then they fell down quickly, Xie Chen's speed made them not remember the appearance of the two maids.

She motioned everyone to sit down, and the woman walked onto the stage. Qianqian gently pulled the strings with a simple hand, and a very beautiful sound flowed from the strings, even for those who don’t understand the rhythm of killing wolves. Also surprised by the banner. I couldn't help looking at the platform, frowning slightly, and I couldn't see the woman's expression under the veil, but her fingers were still alive, and the sound of the pipa, like a jumping spirit, began to linger in everyone's ears. This is a very happy song, this is a prelude to listening to people's happy mood, inexplicably raised the corners of the mouth, as if there is something happy.

At the beginning, Xie Chen was still listening very carefully, but when he heard his voice, he found that he was completely silent in the middle of the piano, and the situation in front of him began to change. There were endless grasslands, blue sky, and loud. And clear horse song. This is the most common situation on the prairie in Duolun County. It is also the place Xie Chen liked most when he was young and the place he yearned for most. Anyone who has been to the steppes of the world will never forget this, let alone the people who live there. ..


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