Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 676: : Did not get off

The boss did not answer Xie Chen, but said to Bai Qingdao: "All killed, on the road."

A Bao was ready to pull the trigger, and Xie Chen could see it in his eyes.

Xie Chen patted Bai Qing's shoulder, but found that there was no pain or sorrow on Bai Qing's face. He just looked at Xie Chen quietly, as if he was willing to die with Xie Chen.

Xie Chen close your eyes!

Then Xie Chen heard gunshots.


Because what Xie Chen heard was not the sound of a pistol, nor the previous memories, but the sound of a rifle. When the first gunshot sounded, Xie Chen immediately opened his eyes and saw a younger brother fell to the ground, his head exploded and died without a sound.

The second thing was that a lot of bullets were fired at Xie Chen, but strangely, the people around Xie Chen, including Xie Chen, were not shot.

In a dozen short-range shots, the boss's men are already halfway through. At this time, Arbor was able to react to the attack, yelling, and then pulled Xie Chen to hide behind the car, and Bai Qing also hid behind the car. At this time, those brothers who were still alive also found the bunker one by one and took out his pistol.

The main character was attacked in the southwestern part of the jungle, and the younger brother of the base took out his gun to fire indiscriminately, but it often attracted more intense artillery fire.

During the whole process, Abao's gun was pointed at Xie Chen's head. Xie Chen stared at him and said, "Are you crazy?" Not protecting the boss? "

Arbor hesitated, and finally got on the boss's bulletproof car with Xie Chen and Baiqing.

There were gunshots outside, but the boss was smoking a cigar leisurely in the car. "What is this guy going to do?" he asked the boss. The boss did not speak, but pointed in the direction of the rearview mirror. So Xie Chen and Apo looked at the rearview mirror together and found a very familiar character in it.

The tall man was wearing a camouflage special forces uniform and walked towards the car with a rifle in hand. Xie Chen and Abao were shocked when they saw his face.

Because that person is not someone else, but Li Mu. At this time, Li Mu turned into a special force, and with a dozen people attacking Xie Chen, he stopped shooting from time to time and was very skilled.

Apo also responded, and the pistol came down from Xie Chen's head and said angrily, "I didn't expect it to be this guy."

The boss took the cigar off his lips and said to Apo, "Why don't you roll to the front and drive? What if you want to use special forces?"

Apo nodded, instead of getting out of the car, he sat directly in the driver's seat in front of him, and quickly started the car.

The Xie Chens are now free of the boss's suspicion, but their hearts are more shocked than they are. Under no circumstances would Xie Chen think that Li Mu was actually a policeman.

The car has moved, but the little brothers outside are still shooting with special forces. Xie Chen asked the boss: "Where are the rest of us?"

"At this point," the boss replied blankly. "I can't handle that much, so just leave a few blocks away."

Xie Chen only thought that his heart was cold, it was his younger brother, at least the lives of more than 20 people, and his face did not change color when he said that. Xie Chen thinks that Xie Chen and people like the boss are still too far away.

In the car, the boss took out two guns from behind Xie Chen and asked Xie Chen to hand one of them to Bai Qing.

Then the boss said: "If Xie Chen can successfully leave this country, you will treat Xie Chen as a son like Apo." The next one is up to you. "

Xie Chen nodded with a gun in his hand. ..


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