Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 830: : Seriously

Now Yue Rong did not give up Xie Chen's left. Xie Chen realized that it was Yue Rong who was worried about her departure and that her whole life would go back to the past, so there were only six masters.

As soon as the male Xie Chen read it, he continued to comfort her: "Moon Rong, Brother Sangniu will be away for a while, but you don't have to worry about your life, Chief Tianxia, ​​will take good care of you and your uncle!"

Trembling, Yue Rong took the medicinal soup, and sent Xie Chen to the coffee table next to her. His voice was a little choked, "Sang Niu, I understand, thank you for your care this year!" After that, the moon was already crying and trotting. Left the hall.

Seeing this, Xie Chen couldn't help but feel helpless, and wanted to stand up and comfort him, but Xie Chen didn't know what to comfort him. After all, this kind of parting was painful.

"Sanju, in fact, you are thinking wrong. Yue Rong is not worried about her life. In fact, she just wants to continue studying with you!" I saw that she respected you not only because of your care for her, but also because of your church. Her new life skills. Her greatest wish now is to become a pharmacist like you. Unfortunately, when you go, her wish is shattered. "Tianbian, can't help complaining.

When Zhou Hu heard these words, he nodded and said: "Brother Sanzhu, the commander said, this little girl, no matter she trains Yuan Li, she still works very hard in pharmacology." At least one She changed in years. "

Xie Chen was listening to those two people. This is the first time Xie Chen heard someone talk about a strange little girl in the middle of the month. At this time, Xie Chen seemed to realize that he still had some things, and they didn't handle it well!

Two days later, a huge figure, while at night, quietly floated in the sky of the city, disappeared into the night sky. The entire city did not notice the departure of this behemoth. Only Tianxia and Zhou Hu stayed in their house, looking through the window at the leaving figure.

"Are you gone? Will he come back?" Tianxia and Zhou Hu both raised such questions, but unfortunately, no one could answer.

In the night sky, Bai Fenglan's huge body was flying in the sky, facing upwards, standing on top of two people, one taller and the other shorter, a little taller, wearing white clothes, Xie Chen. At this time, Xie Chen put the thin figure in his arms with his right hand, and said in a gentle tone: "Moon Rong, do you really regret leaving with me?"

Hugged by Xie Chen in the arms of the moon, trying to put her little face under Xie Chen's armpit, avoiding the attack of the cold wind, in a firm way, "Don't regret it, brother Sangniu, thank you for everything you have done for me!"

"Oh, you're welcome! Now that you have made a decision, it is up to you to work hard for future achievements. Do you understand?" Xie Chen was serious.

"I understand, Songniu, you can rest assured, I will never stop you!" During the speech, Yu Rong's body trembled in the cold wind and unknowingly walked to Xie Chen's body. It seems that only Xie Chen's body can bring warmth to it.

When Xie Chen saw the situation, he immediately smiled, and with a wave of his right hand, a chaotic force wrapped in Moon Rong's body, helping to dispel the cold. At this moment, Yuerong escaped from Xie Chen's protection, and the whole person finally breathed a sigh of relief. Sleep quietly.

Xie Chen smiled and looked back in front of him. Now that he has trained Yuan Jing, what he has to do next is to restore all his strength. As for the Tianxia Mercenary Corps, Xie Chen also made arrangements before leaving. ..


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