Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 833: :I'll be there

"It's ringing, this group of people, as expected, most of them want to fish in the water. Now I see how many people dare to enter the tomb of Emperor Yang!" The fear of everyone, the three people in white clothes are also natural I found that the three people were also cynic about this. The fewer competitors, the higher their success rate. The reason these three people are so confident is because they have an index on hand.

"Hey, we have to wait for Emperor Yang's tomb to be resurrected now, and the rest has nothing to do with us!" Jianxin Yaha smiled, stopped saying a few more words, and began to close his eyes, and the three of them with Xie Chen also revealed Erase the smile inside.

Time flies, ten hours are fleeting, and now, the sun between heaven and earth is finally here! Right at the beginning, the entire mountain range became more violent, and now, let alone unable to practice, even in this group of volcanoes, many masters feel uncomfortable with themselves. No wonder this situation can adapt well to this situation, but poor members of the family are extremely difficult to adapt. They need to spend more energy to resist the surrounding environment.

Because of this, many Yuanli teachers had to withdraw from the mountains in just a few hours. Most of these people, most of them are just strong men of the sacred religion, because of their practice, it is difficult for them to stay here.

However, waiting for Emperor Yang's mausoleum in the audience, two figures came slowly on a small path in the mountains, on the red mud road. Of these two people, one of them is middle-aged, wearing a piece of cloth and showing no signs of momentum. Next to him is a young man in his early twenties. This young man looked very handsome, all rippling vaguely with the fluctuations of his vitality, and he knew that he had practiced very well.

The pace of these two people is not fast, but one step of publicity. Within a few breaths, the two climbed the mountain and approached the site of Emperor Yang's ancient tomb. For the sudden arrival of these two people, the entire audience and not too many people, because the arrival of these ten people, such as too many people, everyone is numb, as long as they are not strong, They would not care. However, Xie Chen and Jian Xinya saw the arrival of two people, their faces changed unknowingly as if they were being struck by lightning.

Because Xie Chen and Jian Xinya both knew about the arrival of these two people, they were Ou Shu and Chen Er.

Xie Chen's reaction, Bai Yi and Bai Shuyun naturally discovered that along Xie Chen's eyes, Bai Yi and Bai Shuyun saw Ou Shu and Chen. The spirit swept away, immediately, the white clothes and Bai Yun frowned. Uncle Ou's power is only the realm of a saint, but Chen Zi, but only with the cultivation of the Lord Saint King, this power can come here, which surprised the two of them.

"I thought that even the Holy King would not come here. If these two people are really brave enough, can they resist this wild spirit?" Bai Shuyun said in surprise, these two people are just looking for their own lives.

"Haha, the number of strangers in the world is unclear. Both of these people can come here. You must have the help, Shuyun, you can't despise them! The white clothes smiled slightly and turned to Xie Chen and Jianxin Yalu," Brother Tianqi, Brother Jian , Do you know anyone? "

Xie Chen looked at "Jianxinya". They both nodded helplessly. The two men immediately clenched their fists to their white clothes. "Brother White, I will go!" After speaking, the two men walked towards Uncle Ou before asking the white clothes. ..


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