Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 848: :give up easily

Before the action, it clearly calculated the strength of both sides and believed that the action would be completed. But so far, their actions have not been blocked everywhere, and once the soldiers are lost, this straightforward shadow dust is somewhat unacceptable. And Xie Chen, who caused all this, has become the object of shadow dust, dark hatred.

"Damn! Thousands of calculations, even missed this Xie Chen, if he is still in the sky, maybe it won't be so difficult!" Shadow Dust's heart is more than secretly cursing. Today's situation is about the massacre. It is very disadvantageous for the league. "No, if they drag on like this, it will be difficult to please them. In that case, that's the only way!"

During the sudden turn of the ECG signal, the dust under the shadow finally fell cruelly, ready to use his last card. At this moment, when the shadow dust was at work, several Xie Chen gathered in one place again. Although the strongmen in the entire world have been severely injured and retreated, Xie Chen still has four strong men, and the remaining three are strong men in the ninth frontier of the entire sky. As for the five monarchs, the six gods have been destroyed and no longer have the power of the past.

"Haha, under the influence of that killing, it hurt the power we couldn't exert. Now, we can finally get revenge!" Looking at the face of Li Shen's five strong, Li Qiuquan wiped off his bloodthirsty smile. For the Massacre League, Li Qiuquan was one of the most hated people on the scene, so at this time he seized the opportunity for revenge, Li Qiuquan would not give up easily."Apocalypse, these five people are for three of us. There is no killing of the six gods. These five people are not our opponents at all. You can help other battlefields!" Li Qiuquan explained. Then he looked at Qi Youzi and Sky Longzi with one eye, and then the three of them created an exhibition at the same time and ran to the five. At this moment, the three people no longer tie their hands and feet together, one hand is the power of the whole body.

Although the number was still smaller than the opponent, due to the correction of absolute strength, the three shot down the five with one shot, and the situation suddenly reversed.

Seeing this scene, Xie Chen also showed a heart-to-heart smile, and glanced at the heavenly machine on his eyelids with the devil’s puppet, and found that he still couldn’t handle it. Xie Chen was not in a hurry to help, but suddenly turned his eyes to The shadows on the fields are on the dust. Now, to stop this war, the only thing to do is to take away the dust under the shadow, so Xie Chen doesn't want to stay.

However, Xie Chen just wanted to deal with the shadow dust. Suddenly, a roar came from the ground below. Xie Chen heard the noise and looked down, only to see a few people standing where Dan Ye was. With red clothes and simple splendor, Liu Yi and Dan Ye were all shot dead, and they fell one by one in the distance. Then, in the center of the battlefield, Liu Yi's uncle, exuding a powerful momentum, turned towards Dan. Ye killed. "Is he a member of the alliance?" Seeing Liu Yi's uncle suddenly stagnated, Xie Chen's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Because Xie Chen never thought about it, Tumeng also has such a card. At this moment, Uncle Liu Yi hit back at the water, which has become a fatal threat to Dan Ye. Because Dan left the surroundings, no one can stop him, and Dan’s departure has been severely damaged. Before the sneak attack, he was injured and injured. Unstoppable. ..


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