Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 892: : Leaving with Xie Chen

Only the people of the Dark Holy See are more restrained, but they are also very dissatisfied.

Both the dark Holy See and the bright Holy See are opposed to the Holy See, and the Holy See is close to the dragons, so the Black Holy See's attitude towards the dragons is also quite complicated.

However, the Dragons have never interfered with the Holy See, so the dark Holy See, even if it considers it a potential threat, always gives way until it tears its face.

Although the people of the Dark Vatican would not be too polite to the dragon people, the incident itself made them very angry. They even suspect that this has nothing to do with the holy Holy See. The other side wants them to target a descendant of the dragon family. Gradually, let ordinary days still be regarded as neutral dragons, and completely turned to the bright Holy See. This kind of intention is really too sinister.

For a while, the strongmen around the Holy See had let go of their hostility. Although everyone had ideas, they were all angry people in Xiyun.

If it hadn't been for the fear of initiating a war of division in the twilight, they would have done so.

"You are waiting for evil intentions. When this incident goes back to the past, the Lord of the Holy See will definitely ask you what is the Lord of Twilight." Tianyao's eyes are cold, that is, he is questioning people's Xiyun Holy See , Also in front of Ms. Long, showing the attitude of the Holy See.

Later, people from all walks of life in the Holy See presented Xie Chen with some quite rich "meeting gifts." Facing the Holy See, it is inconvenient for them to admit their mistakes and apologize. However, the intention of these actions is that both parties have agreed not to agree. "My friends, I am not disrespectful of the dragons. I am just confused for a while and hope to redeem my sins. Then I must prepare a generous gift to make up for it!"

Those of the Xiyun Holy See do not have the courage and are afraid to admit their mistakes. Compared with the dragon, the Xiyun Holy See is a bit insignificant. The **** of ice and snow is also far away from the Dragon Palace. Otherwise, I am afraid that even the high-level Holy See would use Dragon Valley to pay for this.

Hmm! Girl Long hummed a song and left with Xie Chen, wait. Although she wanted to kill those picking things, everything went too far. People from the dragon clan are a dangerous thing in themselves. If the scene is large, be afraid of another big problem.

"You idiots, I suggest I persuade you to oppose this group of people in all directions, and put me in prison for three years when you come back!"

Seeing Xie Chen's departure, the fourth **** sighed and immediately yelled at the people around him. This time it almost broke into a disaster.

Leaving the branch hall, Xie Chen and his party did not stop nearby, and continued to move toward the depths of the ruins of the heavenly king.

"Said Dragon Girl, you are so big, just go to the Dragon Palace to accept relatives, and we can have a big backing when we look back." The Chanyue girl in the dream smiled, and the scene in front of them shocked them. In miniature, that horror is not something simple power can do.

As for the legend of Dragon Valley of the Kingdom of God, they had heard of Feng Wu some time ago.

"It's so beautiful to think of. It's not easy." The dragon girl smiled and shook her head. The light in her eyes turned out to be: "In fact, strictly speaking, I only bear the blood of real dragons, but I am not a dragon in the true sense. This vein is one of the descendants of the ancestor dragon, and the future dragons have withered, so I know it in this world. "I think the dragon palace is the inheritance of the dragons. "..


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