Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 949: :Surprisingly

The old dean seems to have been here more than once. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be familiar with the terrain here. When he met several groups of visiting guards along the way, he was always indifferent to the dean, and he was quite sure. The dean is not only an acquaintance here, but also has great prestige among these guards.

He walked through several large gardens, through several large pools, dozens of doors with round gates, and then the dean. He walked for nearly two hours before reaching the main hall in the center of the Holy Sea Palace.

The phrase "As soon as you enter the imperial gate is like the sea" is the best test in the sacred palace of heaven, and I have experienced some deeply.

After this chaos, even those who think they can remember so many things, if he doesn't lead the way, he will have to leave, or he doesn't know where the northeast and northeast are at this time.

"Why is the heart a little uncomfortable?" Before he came to the hall, he suddenly felt a little nervous. He knew that this was his direct response to a completely unfamiliar place, which did not mean there was a crisis here. I believe this feeling will disappear when I become familiar with this place.

"See God with me first, and then you can move freely." Suddenly hearing the dean's words, the deputy dean became a little nervous when the dean entered the hall.

The main hall of the Sea Palace is paved with a large piece of jade, as flat as a mirror and as hard as iron, and the sun is shining on it.

In the hall of the hall, rows of simple jade chairs are full of people, but the whole hall is not noisy, and the central beam is engraved with two huge characters. The sacred ocean is right, there is a feeling of pressure that makes people act.

There is a big red golden table under the beam, which can accommodate four or five people. There are many things on it, covered with bright yellow, which is obviously used by God. sits behind the table in a golden dress, a man wearing a purple golden crown, a straight nose, and a slightly white man, but he has a noble face and his hands are pressed against On the dragon chair, his hand is on the dragon chair, and his hand is on the dragon chair. At this moment, I was smiling at the dean and deputy dean who had just entered the hall.

"Look at God!" The dean walked in, and the deputy dean bowed slightly.

"Surprisingly" in the court served by God, a man's voice uttered, saying, "Whoever sees God cannot bow down and worship?"

Listen, the old dean's cold eyes swept over, but the waiter directly raised his head and looked at the expressions of the two men, as if there was no small gap.

The man touched his nose, but this time he suffered another disaster. It seems that the old dean not only has many enemies in this palace.

The palace waiter stared at Xie Chen's eyes, making him feel like staring at him intently, with a look in his heart, and his whole body was gone, immediately making the palace waiter no longer a willing waiter.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Saint Seagod suddenly lit up.

The dean is an old man. God has worshipped him for a long time, and he does not need to kneel down and worship. The King of the Holy Sea said to the waiter next to him, the waiter stopped talking.

In the sacred ocean age, ordinary subjects must kneel on one knee, but like the special existence of the sacred court, people can always bow slightly.

"Hi, Dean, congratulations on choosing a good student again." "The God of the Holy Sea" looked at the pastor next to the dean and said, "It's so talented, why have I never seen it before?"..

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