Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1012: : Two pilots

And this kind of core manufacturing technology is only the six core machinery of the earth. The independent aircraft department is basically a machine passed down from generation to generation. If any model will be transferred to the first class, it will buy the core of the machine from a big force, and then Buy it yourself again.

However, the Sixth Army knows that mechanical manufacturing technology is its own soil-based foundation. How can it be used for exchange? The most important thing is to sell some low-level mechanical technology, and most of these technologies have various defects.

There are three powerful organizations on the earth, the border of China, the United States and Europe. Among them, a closed border alliance has been formed in all aspects. Therefore, in terms of mechanical armor technology, the border near the border is the least developed.

At present, the six major aircraft units of Nanyuan don’t know what to think. In fact, they agree with the power technology of the switch. Although this is only the most basic mechanical power technology used by the divisions, it is good news for the finish line. .

They don't care about this issue. As long as they cannot restore contact with the source department, no matter how powerful they are, they dare not launch a full-scale war, nor can they afford long-term consumption.

Hua and Ling naturally saw it, but the two of them looked at their noses, standing behind the yin with a cold face, and said nothing. This was a natural yin arrangement. The other two brainpowered people are pilots of Zhuang Feiyang. They both have super power. If they don’t use machine armor, they may not be the opponents of the two Lexus White Tigers, but once they wear the machine Armor, it is estimated that only one shot, you can eat two levels of energy to death, there is no chance of escape.

The two pilots also wore ancient costumes, but they were typical monks. Although they have only legal weapon levels, they are able to withstand the cold, have a certain defensive ability, and they are very suitable for wear without mechanical weapons. It seems that these mighty gods have thoroughly searched several great fairies and caves.

The pilots of the two Nanyuan Corps also carried a large box with strange marks on it. Some of the integration lines formed energy support. This was obviously another product of the combination of technology and maintenance. The strange smell he had felt before was coming out of the box.

"Director Xing, this toxin is extremely contagious and contagious, so Xie Chen has to use this sealed box to lock it for a period of time." Xie Chen has a colleague. The spirit of Xie Chen's colleague has reached. Level. But he still can't resist the erosion of this toxin. Even if Xie Chen uses a lot of methods, he can only save his life, but now his condition is getting more and more unstable. Is there any good way to do it? "Feiyang pointed to the big box that was lifted.

With an absent-minded smile, the seven high-end jade stones that appeared in his hand passed a symbol and gently raised his hand. The seven jade pieces surrounded the box, emitting a ray of white light, moving with the strength of a real person, and suddenly pressed hand. He drank loudly: "It's sealed!"

These seven jade stones formed a similar shape, seven stars in the sky. Although it was still daytime, seven beams of white light fell from the sky through the roof of the hall, completely ignoring the barrier of the intermediate object. As a result, the seven jade stones sent out powerful energy fluctuations. Under a certain pressure, the seven jade stones fell on the ground, and then slowly sank, without seeing any abnormalities at all. ..


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