Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1094: : Does anyone want

All strong people eliminate the panic of the mind and promote the shaping of the body.


One by one, they were caught by Xie Chen and threw them to the entrance.

On the edge of grasping the last one, a bloodline suddenly appeared from behind, immediately destroying Xie Chen's sacred power, directly invading and descending.

"My lord, be careful," the strong man called.


A sharp glow appeared on the corpse, and there was a heinous massacre inside. At that moment, the bloodstain that was about to be entangled was crushed, the instantaneous income of the sharp weapon suddenly appeared, and the return was also very sudden. Except for a few strong people who realize the difference, no one knows anything else.


The strong man was pulled out, and Xie Chen led him to the door.

After landing, Xie Chen scanned once, except for 5 people, such as Shengmu, 56 strong people, not many.


56 strong men knelt on one knee.

"You" Xie Chen was slightly shocked.

He said: "My Lord, although I and you signed a contract that is beneficial to both parties, you still sincerely kept your promise and saved all my lives. I cannot be grateful, and it is difficult for me to repay. It, only then can you do it." If adults will be useful in the future, just say it. "

Finally, the first strong man took out a special jade article, "This thing is my belief. He is in need of God, but it is printed in this place. As long as I can do it, he will come to help me."

"This one"

"Brother Lin, take it, this is the kindness of this Taoist friend." Shengmu said.

"Hmm!" Xie Chen nodded and received the note from Jade.

immediately! Other strong people also took out their own unique jade and gave them to them. Of course, not all of them have, there are only 23 jade objects in a row.

"Let's go" Xie Chen said.

They nodded and replied that they immediately walked into the door of blood.

Seeing Xie Chen and the others go, many strong people can only see, some eyes are jealous, ah, 100% survival rate, this is incredible, some strong people want to change those fifty-six personal. Not to mention 78% of the price, or even 90%.

But there is no such good opportunity.


A figure appeared on the blood gate.

"It's him"

"How did he come back?" The strong man below suddenly yelled, because it was not the others who came back, but Xie Chen. Time is up!

The sound on the blood-colored platform disappeared, surprisingly quiet, even if a needle fell on the ground, it could be heard clearly.

No one wants it?

Xie Chen looked puzzled. Seeing that there was no response from the strong guy present, he sighed slightly and wanted to come back.


There was a terrible commotion.

"My lord! I will."

"Let me in, let alone 80%, or even 90%, I will."

"I, take me"

Seeing dense strongmen rushing over, one by one let go of all speeds, lest the slow half-beat, in the strait, all the strong people stopped, one by one full of expectations, 10% probability , Who doesn't want to enter?

Xie Chen looked at the strong people in front of him in surprise. This was not a lot, but too many. There are more than 800 names, which has far exceeded his expectations. Originally, this was only a temporary intention, in any case, this was just a step into the bleeding. ..


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