Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1164: : Big Mac level

Many strong people are watching and are shocked, there will be major events, there must be a war today, maybe the snowman will be destroyed.

"The snow field has flourished, but the beautiful scenery is not long. Such a small family was born occasionally for a long period of time, but it is impossible for the glory of the snowman to last too long. After all, this small family is just A small family. There are too few masters coming out, and now it is even more lonely. It is smelling that the strongest members of the Snow Nation have just broken through the realm of gods!"

"Beauty is the source of evil. There are many beautiful women. It is easy to have accidents. For example, the snow here, beautiful women are like clouds, but the snowman will inevitably be peeped if he does not protect his power."

"Small ethnic groups tend to move towards this fate. Ten thousand races claim to have 100,000 races, and there are still 30,000 or 40,000 races. The tide reaches the sand, and time will eliminate multiple races!"

"The snow race is like this. It may soon be destroyed and forgotten by history."

Some strong people are talking about the situation of no one, no one will take a huge risk to offend the thousand-eyed people, any kind of fairy sitting in the town is very scary, let alone a thousand-eyed people or two fairies Sitting in the city.

"The fairy of the thousand-eyed people, what prestige, I ask you to apologize, why?" Now I have to do the opposite, let me go out and apologize? "

Xie Chen's voice suddenly flew out of Syracuse.

Countless monks were stunned.

"Why, who is this? Let a thousand-eyed ancestor apologize? Don't you want to live?"

"Yes, it's about death, isn't it?" Many people are surprised.

The eyes of the thousand-eyed ancestors are even more gloomy: "The elders of the thousand-eyed people abandoned me and even asked my ancestor to apologize. You are looking for death, get out of my way. My ancestor wants to eat some courageous Xiongxinbao," he Say. People who dared to aim at my thousand-eyed people were no longer there, and dare to despise the majesty of my thousand-eyed people!

In this area, the thousand-eyed people have two strong people in Darcises, and compared to the others, they are indeed of the Big Mac level.

"It's not before, doesn't mean there is no"! Xie Chen's cold voice came out again.

The tough face of the thousand-eyed ancestor was iron and blue. He shouted angrily: "Well, I dare to provoke the majesty of the thousand-eyed man. Today, this old man opened his chest, slaughtered and destroyed the snow City, destroy the Snow Clan. This is the end of my thousand-eyed people's resistance."

As soon as the words of this thousand-eyed ancestor came out, there was an atmosphere of fear and despair in Syracuse.

"Where's Xie Chen?"

Bing Xinlanhua and the other four were even more pale. Although Xie Chen said that she was not a fairy with a thousand eyes before, Xie Chen's age is still relatively young, only 21 years old, and can really practice for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years of powerful fairies to resist Is it? They don't even know.

"Don't worry, you are here waiting for me to come back." Xie Chen said, walking out and immediately came to the void.

"It's almost here, what a young man!"

"This person does not seem to be a snowing person, so young, six or seven years old, through the breath of life, he should be 21 years old, so old, how many years should he practice Taoism?" Even if it is training from the womb, How many are there? Now, to anger the ancestors of the thousand-eyed people is to find their own way to death. "..


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