Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1363: : Noon Kung Fu

"Ye Yang, what are you going to do? This is the time to betray your family!"

Ye Tan had no idea that Ye Yang would betray his family this time.

Eight people besieged

In full view, Ye Yang left the crowd and separated from the Ye family. Ye Tan's face was embarrassed. Even if the Ye family encountered an unprecedented crisis, as a nation, they should stand up and die with their families, and his son is at this critical moment. Betrayed his family. ..

"Finally there is a feeling!"

The black people smiled. The people below were moles and ants in his eyes. The reason for this was to control the thrill of other people's survival.

I didn't speak, his eyes looked at Ye Yang, and he was branded with death by my book writer.

"From this day on, Ye Yang and I have separated from the Ye family, and I am no longer a member of the Ye family!"

Ye Yang's voice echoed, his eyes staring at Sen my body, showing a vicious color, just like these people appeared, they were about to be abolished, and they disguised and saved Ye Yang once.

"Have you all heard? Ask me to forgive me now, and I will spare your lives!"

The black laughter appeared again, and he was very satisfied with Ye Yang's performance.

The crowd was very calm, no one came out, looking at Ye Yang one by one, full of hatred.

"Enough? Enough, let's get started

I watched them quietly. The reason for my delay was to see the cohesion of the Ye family, who would take the initiative to leave the family.

The result is very satisfactory to me. Although there is an example of Ye Yang, it is not enough to shake the cohesion of the Ye family. They are all united tightly to resist foreign enemies!

"Son, since you can't wait to die, I will do it for you!"

A man flew over, one hand over Sen me, working hard at noon.

"Be careful, Maple!"

Ye Wu saw a lot of knowledge, and when he saw that the realm of these people was much higher than mine, he reminded him hastily this time.

"Godfather, don't worry, brother is okay!"

Knowing my strength very well, Qi Ruomei also nodded. Although the strength of these people is very strong, there is still some gap between them and the martial arts disciples in college in some days. My strength has been able to destroy the general nature of martial arts. The threat is black.

I sneered, facing the person who was thrown over, his mouth crossed an arc, raised his arm, and a bunch of lightning appeared.

"Thunder and wind!"

An arc shaped like an arc-shaped machete emerged from my body, and lightning bolts crackled in the air.

The man just approached and found that the corpse was firmly locked, an arc fell down, his body was divided into two halves, a smell of burning.

"what happened?"

Everyone didn't understand that a dozen eyes on the opposite side shrank, especially on the black clothes in the middle, the expression on his face became extremely abrupt, and there was no reaction.

"The skill of the half fairy is really powerful!"

I am very satisfied with my attack. After the lightning is extinguished, I understand some of the subtleties of lightning, which can easily spread wind and thunder.

Killed a person with one move, and the people below roared under the sky of Ye Family. They were still decadent just now. At this time, the group was full of passion and started yelling for me.

Ye Yang's eyes were fixed in the dead tree. If I didn't die, the dead person would be him. He could only hide away and watch his own battle. ..


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