Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1461: : There are also blood stains

When you hear it, you will die at night.

This is Feng Xiong, the wind is invincible!

Seeing Feng Xiong smiled, standing in front of Feng Xiong and me, a stronger smile instantly appeared.

He also felt Feng Xiong's joy, as well as the perfect sword.

He might die in this sword.

He is likely to die in this sword.

It's just that he doesn't care anymore.

He just did what he wanted, felt his instinct in his body, and stabbed a real sword in his hand.

This is also a simple thorn.

No fantasy, no hesitation.

The dragon's sword became a sword in the sky in less than a minute.

At this moment, the eighteen soulable dragons in the sky also merged into this sword.

In the end, my Shuhao's body seemed to disappear, as if he himself had been integrated into the sword.

He stabbed the sword out.

He also stabbed it out with his own sword.

Who is the most invincible?

In everyone's eyes, Feng Xiong's wooden sword and my real sword collide with each other.

Time stopped in an instant, but suddenly accelerated in the next moment!

The swords that the two collided burst out with a plump and six-color splendor, which instantly filled the world, drowned the two figures, and blurred everyone's eyes even more.

At this point, everyone feels that they are in a particle state.

They seem to have returned to the state of chaos before the world was born, which is just the most obscure among the many particles.

They seem to have entered the last road of martial arts and saw the real form of martial arts. was in a trance, suddenly there was a cheer.

The sound came out like a big explosion of chaos. At this moment, the emptiness of everyone's mind disappeared.

All the brilliance, at this moment, also began to disappear one by one.

Me and Feng Xiong appeared in front of everyone again.

These two people are standing opposite each other, and their positions are the same.

There are blood stains on their breasts.

My sword "plugged" into Feng Xiong's left shoulder.

Feng Xiong's sword also "inserted" into my left shoulder.

The blood on the left shoulder of the two men continued to emerge, and in a blink of an eye they splashed the blood on the ground, as if their swords would soon pierce each other's body.

At this moment, there is a character between the two people, that is, Dragon God.

The dragon god's hands were held on Feng Xiong's wooden sword and my real sword.

There are also blood stains on the palms.


The faint words came out of the Dragon God's mouth, as if the quiet world suddenly ushered in a muggy thunder.

Feng Xiong and I were shocked at the same time, and smiles appeared on our faces at the same time.

The same words came out, and Dragon God was also relieved at this time.

"Then split up."

At the end of the conversation, Dragon God stretched out his hand at the same time, Feng Xiong and I were on the spot. After the body of .≥ was pushed, the two swords also left another corpse one after another.

At this time, the disciples took a deep breath in the field, and their eyes showed excitement and fear.

They knew that at that time, Feng Xiong had fallen into "fascination" and had forgotten that it was an exchange of opinions. The two men gave full play to their abilities and became a life and death battle.

Fortunately, at that moment, the Dragon God shot, with unparalleled strength and posture, suppressing the peak of Wufeng and Feng Xiong's martial arts confrontation, and the battle between the two stopped.

This makes people realize what the real martial arts is.

Stay awake when everyone feels sleepy and "confused", stay awake when everyone thinks it's impossible. ..

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