Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1515: : The same herbs

Hearing these words, the young man also stood up directly and walked to my side with an arched hand. "At the bottom of Liu Dan, there are ten thousand disciples and a saint teacher."

"Really? It was a surprise to me. I didn't expect to meet someone in the same industry."

I laughed.

He said: "Yes, it is too difficult for people in the same industry to meet people. People of the same class, unless they are in a certain organization or place, the rest of the time is too difficult to see. Now you both see it." This is really a good opportunity for you two to discuss Tao Dan. "

At this moment, Huang Zi smiled and said, "Big Brother Liu, are you right?"

Having said this, Liu Dan immediately smiled and nodded: "Brother Fang, this is natural. Why don't we try the speed of alchemy?"

I laughed too. "I met you once today, less than a quarter of an hour after I met you, is it better than testing Danji?"

"No righteous loyalty, life is a kind of freedom and comfort, interest comes, it can't be a blow to fun."

Huang Zi smiled coldly. "Of course, unless Brother Fang has no such interest, we will not force him, but we will have doubts about your alchemy level. After all, you are the master of the sacred pill, my sister Huang Ziyun said, but whether Brother Fang Master Shengdan, this is suspicious."

The plain words came out, and the people in the living room blinked and drank while sitting on the top of Huang's house, "Son is cold, what are you talking about!" Master Fang is Master Fang, is he still lying! Apologies to Master Fang! "

"Oh yes, father, the child is wrong."

Huang Leng smiled, looked at me the next moment, clenched his fists and saluted me.

"Brother Fang, I said something wrong, how angry, and I am looking forward to Haihan."

When he saw this Huang Zihan’s salute, I laughed more, and now he can see it. This Huang Zihan deliberately angered him, wanting to see what he can do. At the same time, this is also the thinking of the Huang family and a group The owner of the Huang family in the field. After all, Huang Ziyun only said that he was the master of the sacred pill, isn't it? Who can be sure he didn't see it with his own eyes?

"Senior Brother Liu, you want to try alchemy with me, don't you? Yes, I accept it." The lazy man listened to the book. I smiled and nodded, looked at that Liu Dan and said, "How do you compare? "

"Oh, OK."

When Liu Dan heard this, he nodded immediately. It is more basic than the most basic "medicine" of the Templar Master, the primary "medicine" of the sacred level, the holy "medicine", and the same "medicine" materials, and is more basic than the speed of alchemy, the quality of alchemy, and the number of final stoves.

"Who will prepare the "medicine"?"

I said.

"Of course, we provide it." The host of the Huang family smiled at this moment, and then raised his hand on the palm of his hand. Immediately, a young man walked in from outside, and at the same time, he walked out two bags, one spread out, and immediately Boil the "medicine", all the "medicine" materials.

"Hehe, this amount is the amount of'medicine' for ten victory pills."

The Huang family laughed and said: "You can rest assured that the "drug" power of these two herbal "drugs" are very similar, and they must be fair."

"I'm very good"

Liu Dan looked at it and smiled and said, "Big Brother Fang, how about you?"

"Me too." I waved and said, "You pick, these two "medicine", which one do you choose?"

"Well, if this is the case, I don't welcome this one." Liu Dan smiled and pointed to the herbal medicine on the right.

"Well, the rest is mine."

At this moment, I nodded, and the next moment I turned to the Chinese herbal medicine on the left. ..

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