Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1553: :hoarse voice

When I was scared in my heart, I quietly moved the indecent posture of two people, stood up quietly, walked out, and walked out of the tent. I couldn't help "touching" the cold sweat on my head, taking a long breath. I said to myself, it was scary. When I got outside the tent, I couldn't help but "touch" the cold sweat on my head, and took a long breath. If this little chicken was spotted on the spot, if it was caught, if she didn't die, she had to get out!

What I didn't know was that at the moment he opened the tent and went out, AIA suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes flickered. Looking at the direction of the door, there were pink cherry lips like rose petals inside. Suddenly, he whispered: "It's a bad guy, um, bad, saying that a pair of white hands suddenly covered their eyes, and the flushed face was also covered with gunpowder."

Get up, the two of them ate and took care of everything. I, this is the one who got the branches directly, picked those things, and AIA, followed me quietly, after all, this little girl’s face is thin, after all, this little girl His face is thin, after all, this little girl has a thin face. There is something else to say.

As for the Snake King Black Gold, that little guy ran over my shoulder and seeing that look really made him feel good, and AIA hopes this little thing has fun, but this little thing just listened to me, and what Aya said , They simply ignored it.

Although AIA was very angry at helplessness, this little guy, it seems to use my words, other people, on the one hand, and this little guy, at this time I also named a name, Mo Ling, which means that this little guy is pure Ink. It also seems to be in the dark. The most important thing is that this little thing really seems to be the essence of existence.

When he returned to the old Eve’s hut, it was already dusk. He saw the two people return. Old Xiaowa drinking tea began to happily said: "You two are back, how are you?"

"Smooth, too smooth, Master, this time, hey, absolutely smooth."

Seeing old Eve, the little girl's lively spirit came out, not as shy as before.

"Voice hoarse...Is this?"

Suddenly, old Shawar's eyes were fixed on him, because suddenly, old Shawar saw the little king with a black gold snake on my shoulder. You know, this black "color" gold thread, and other things, are just the luster of the snake's body. People can feel that this is definitely not a simple black gold wire, but the legendary snake king!

Old Shava’s heart was suddenly shocked. This kid, I am not really surprised that the dead person does not stop!

However, I looked at him quietly, as if I didn't think of my little friend, but this is a legend about poison, in other words, the evil of the devil.

"Master, we have gained a lot this time. Hey, Ayala swayed with Old Shawar's arm in a child's posture, but didn't notice Old Shawar's silly look."

Kids, what is this?

I nodded, smiled slightly, and said: Mo Ling, fly in a circle to show Lao Sha. Suddenly, Mo Ling on my shoulder suddenly turned into a black lightning, passing like a lightning bolt. Follow me, swipe it, and go around my wrist.

It is indeed the legend of the King of the Golden Serpent!

In Old Shava's eyes, a very shocked expression suddenly appeared.

At this time, Aya was excited and smiled and shook Old Shawar and said, "Master, bad guys, I'm very strong. Haha, this time I not only caught this black gold snake king, but I also caught one..."..

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