Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 21 Chapter 1569: : Demon God

"The enemy is attacking!"

In the chaos, an officer was yelling. At this moment, another light in the distance pierced the night sky and bombarded the two armed military vehicles in front of him. Then they were bombed and flying. The officer's half roar was suddenly drowned out by the sudden explosion.

After all, elite soldiers, no better than ordinary people, quickly organized after being panicked. With so much artillery fire, fierce shelling occurred in places.

In the distance, on a building, he smiled coldly, clasped his weapon in both hands, and then stretched out his hand to open the window in front of him. However, his body jumped up like a **** cat and jumped directly to six. Lou, then disappeared in the night "color".

In the distance, the soldiers rushed forward boldly. At this time, the buildings in all directions exploded violently, and then fell down one by one, like a toy.

In a short while, this place became a **** on earth! The soldiers rushed up, howled, and didn't rush to the collapsed building so quickly. Even the upcoming military vehicle was buried almost half of the time!

In one place in the city, in another place, a group of big people laughed like a group of people with different skin colors, and one of the blond men laughed. "I said, with a head of excitement, look at it," he said. It's **** sharp, but unfortunately, I can't follow my head to vote in person! "

Another big man smiled and replied, "Lonely wolf, is this why you are in a hurry?"

When the lone wolf was about to speak, a black man on one side suddenly said coldly: "The devil's eyes have just sent a message, retreat quickly, otherwise, the head should be trained."

"Okay, okay." The lone wolf laughed, tidying up his gear, smiling, and walked out with his long legs.

Unfortunately, it is not only these places, but what is even more terrifying is that the national heavy oil depot is in Yelang State of that country. This is not only a heavy oil depot that stores oil, it is also a comprehensive strategic oil depot, but now it is not only It is only a heavy oil storage depot for oil reserves, it is also a comprehensive "sex" strategic oil depot, but now, it was suddenly destroyed by a loud noise and a violent explosion. The flames, smoke and dust in the sky almost covered the entire sky. ! The bleak howl was also drowned out by the roar of the ring.

Everything is like purgatory on earth!

Jinghua, a secret military base, inside, one by one, the army is facing majesty! They are also shocked, feeling terrible in their hearts!

A young man like a demon god, a single self-made power to do such a thing! Terrible, terrible!

"A generation of gods, a generation of gods!" An old general said to himself, but there was a sharp elegance in his eyes, which was not commensurate with his age.

"Well, good boy, good job!" A general was very excited, but he slapped directly.


Then, a white porcelain tea cup placed near the edge of the table, whispered, fell to the ground, followed behind, and broke.

"Lao Yu, I said you are very excited. Come on, look at this. It's such a good cup of tea." A general said with a bitter smile, shaking his head.

"Stingy Bala, isn't it a teacup?" General Yu disagreed with his hand and said. ..

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