Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 146: : Fight for a thousand people

The poor white jade once used jade as a symbol of life and death, and now it is really falling. It was so sad that it did not fall into the hands of Mo Qilin, the two beasts, but was swallowed by the hidden abyss of the ten beasts.

"Eating that boy's brother feels much more comfortable!" The abyss buried the dragon and was satisfied with it, thinking that Bai Yu was the brother of the Korean wolf and wanted to avenge the Korean wolf.

"He lied, he doesn't even know Wu Lang!" Mo Qilin looked at the abyss to bury the longan with disdain. This guy is really simple-headed and well-developed, so he can't tell Bai Yu that he is lying to them.

The giant dragon buried in the abyss was dumbfounded, his face "showing" anger, but in front of Mo Qilin, he didn't dare to get angry, let alone think of himself.

"But I'm really interested in this kid. The origin of humans and wolves, is this why he is dominant in combat effectiveness?" Maureen opened his mouth, with a dangerous smile from the corners of his mouth.

Unbelievably, the Han wolf defeated the ten beast kings in the abyss and buried the dragon in the abyss of the ten beasts. This beast plundered the earth's territory. It's incredible. Mo Qilin was deeply moved by such a high level of combat effectiveness.

"That boy seems to have a terrible secret, very good! I will accept it too!" Mo Qilin thought to himself that there are too many things that interest him in Hanlang.

"But now we don't even know where the boy is, how do we catch him?" Long opened his mouth in the abyss. After so long, they haven't found a Korean wolf. What is it for?

"Miko knows my spleen and must know that I will catch them, so in order to avoid me, I must go to that guy!" Maureen opened his mouth, "showing" a wise look in his eyes.

He didn't think that Meizi would hide the wolf in front of a Beast King, you know, even he and Yutu didn't dare to mess with a Beast King, let alone Meizi.

Therefore, the only possibility is that Meizhe and Hanlang are hiding in Yutu's territory.

This is not only because Yutu lacks his own power, but also because Yutu lacks disharmony with himself, so Wu Guolang's best hiding place.

But what he didn't know was that Wu Lang had known Yutu for a long time without introducing Miko. However, Mo Qilin could guess this step. You can see how deep his city is.

Qiang Mo Ji Qilin

Since the Hanlang hid on Yutu's territory, there has been a lot of chaos in the magic space. In order to compete for a thousand people as quickly as possible, the protective effect of several large cities has disappeared.

In order to compete for this place, a terrible struggle broke out directly. Many people unite to attack the terrible and strong people, and want to eliminate all the strongest people, just like they treat Hanwolves.

Some great geniuses and elders have reached the ancestors of Tao, and they have always been the focus of attention. Some people have been killed, but they re-enter through the symbol of life and death jade, killing the special kill.

Of course, there are still many geniuses. They are the most dazzling existence in the magical space. There are countless followers around them. That is also the power of horror. So many people dare not hit their ideas because if they are careless, they will Fall down. ? With such a powerful force, you can’t eat it if you want!

Many times, the space of the devil is full of blood, the sun is covered with terrible blood, and battles can be seen everywhere. Some powerful fairies also participated, and even five, eight and nine beasts fell during this period.

When I heard this news, Wu Guolang was also stunned. Why the king of beasts? That is the most powerful fairy in the magic space! But I did not expect to fall three at a time. If there are not many geniuses, it is necessary to contact the ancestors of those people to join forces. Otherwise, with one person, it is impossible to easily kill the king of animals. ..

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