Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 189: : Through the Cloud Gate

In the north, although there are all kinds of people in the north, there are not many people here, because after all, this is the territory of the siren, and the people's orthodox thinking is basically the state capital located in the center of three thousand gods.

Therefore, although it is not a miracle to see humanistic martial arts here, it is also rare.

"I can't believe that we have the opportunity to come to Shanhai City through Cloud Gate and have the right to enter once. Great!" Among the dozen people, one young man opened his mouth excitedly.

In fact, Chuanyunmen is only a third and fourth grade school located in the north. In many cases, it can basically be said to be blocked. If it were not because they were the same person, I would not pay attention to them. But now these young people are talking loudly, I can't do it, or I want to listen.

Speaking of Shanhaicheng, the young people present are very excited and want to try it. One of them happily said, "It is said that Haicheng in Zhongshan is full of Haibao, and various universities often send people to hunt for treasure." If we can find a work of art that we can use, we will develop. "

It is said that many young people are looking forward to it, because in terms of the details of Cloud Gate, it is impossible for them to carry artworks and such things with them.

However, when they sat with the same old man and heard them say this, they did shook their heads and said, "Don't think too much, this time they are just coming out and taking some of you to Shanhaicheng to practice." If so Any opportunity, everything should go with the flow, you can't lose your heart too much. I hope you remember this, otherwise, I am really afraid that you will never come back. "

"Master Lin, don't scare us." At first, the young man was very optimistic. "Maybe I can take the legendary ship, go straight to the North Sea, go to the fairy island, inherit the legacy of ancient gods, step by step to the top, and become the emperor?" At that time, I, Liu Bao, will become one of our emperors through the cloud gate! "

"Can you do this to the Emperor?" Lao Lin rolled his eyes and said, "Don't be daydreaming. Even if a character like Wuzi enters Shanhai City, he may not be able to get on the legendary ship, let alone you?"


. Through the cloud gate

The young man named Liu Bao smiled, and after a while, he mysteriously said, "Old Lin, this is not true. I got inspiration from Shanhai City not long ago, and it is very possible to enter Shanhai City this time." Use it. Perhaps, Shanhai City has existed for so long, just to wait for my Liu Bao to arrive! "

"The inspiration of Shanhaicheng? Why didn't you say that you got the call of the legendary emperor?" The other young people were upset.

"Yes, Liu Bao, what kind of cowhide are you blowing? If you can get inspiration from Shanhaicheng, aren't we all reincarnated?"

"Hey, what are you lying for? "Even if I say something, you don't have to believe it," Liu Bao patted his chest and opened a mysterious face. You know who I am Liu Bao. I never like to go out. But you Why do I want to go out with you? Because one night a month ago, when I looked at the direction of Shanhai City from the back, I saw an old door above Shanhai City, which was seven-colored. Seeing it, the door called me."

"Liu Xiaobao, you are bragging again!" The young man sitting at the same table smiled and shook his head. "We practiced together all day. We didn't see any colorful portals at all. Moreover, if there were portals, I am afraid the world would have known it. How could you be the only one who knew?"..



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