Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 210: :I beg you

Simply put, as long as you can get a peach tree, Kunpeng Temple is willing to pay a huge price.

Some people frowned, and then whispered, "Please pay attention to your respect. Before there are rumors, the Hetian King of Xianhefeng may have brought the emperor. Although they can't compare with Kunpeng Temple, if they catch With one chance, an accident is very likely."

"With all due respect, even if the Xianhe Peak is immortal, it is the same. Don't worry, I will deal with it." The saints of the ancient Kunpeng Temple opened their mouths gently.

Upward trend

With the promise of Kunpan Temple, the magicians who followed Kunpan Temple are now safe and sound. They all gathered under the command of Kunpeng Temple, basically put away those bone boats, and chose to take away the ancient temple of Kunlun Temple. Then rush to the mysterious sea, because they must arrive as soon as possible.

"At this time, the people of the great powers in the sea have nothing to worry about, only the unity of nature and man do not even know their depth. In my opinion, this is definitely a very powerful force. There is no need to shush when you break it!"

The saints of the ancient Kunpeng Temple slowly opened their mouths and warned those who followed them not to have the mentality of crushing everything. Because the dead Yipan peach tree was too big, the lion and the rabbit fought with each other and tried their best. Not to mention the current fight for an immortal drug.

Soon, Kunpeng Temple, a huge floating temple, came to the edge of Abbots Island. At this time, the Tao that was shrouded on Abbot’s Island has dispersed, and everything inside and outside of the island is integrated.

In the vast territory of Abbot Island, a fierce war is currently underway. Several masters of the unity of nature and man are fighting against several saints sent by the first four wasteland expeditions. They clearly have the upper hand.

Obviously, the saints sent by the Four Wastes Expeditionary Army were only identified after sending out some information. As far as the relationship between the sea and the Four Wastes is concerned, it can be said that a war broke out in an instant.

"This is not right, I feel a little uncomfortable!" The portrait of King Kun appeared outside Kunpeng Temple. He looked at the square island, suddenly shocked, and slowly opened the road.

"What have you noticed?" King Jinpeng frowned and opened his mouth. You know, Kun Jin is the father and son of the devil, and the most primitive blood is flowing in his body, because many things have a special premonition.

"Nothing, maybe it's my illusion. I don't think it's great here, but in general, we must be careful. Even if the flat peach tree is real, we must prevent it from becoming a place for others to set up branches." Kun Wang slowly opened his mouth, he looked extremely solemn, because he had already reached this point. If he said that he wanted to retreat, it was inevitable, which was a bit unreasonable.

"Respect! Please!"

Those strongmen from the Four Wastelands who were originally in the war saw the strongmen from Kunpeng Temple coming, and rushed to cry for help.

King Jinpeng took a deep look at King Kun. At this point, he had to do this. Even if King Kun found something wrong, he had to do it.

In two minutes, I saw King Peng take a step forward. The pressure of the emperor was unfolding like the king of the sea at this time. Several powerful people flew out at the same time, and their mouths were splashed with blood.

At this time, whether it was the unity of man and nature, the power of the sea, or the ancient saints of all other demons, they all understood the truth that King Jinpeng was indeed strong enough, and they were completely hopeless. ..



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