Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 223: : Kill me alone

"How can you have the kindness of a woman? Such a character is a real medicine for the human body, and any part of the body is extremely precious. In addition to the source, his bones and blood must be a supplement. Don't let him It's so easy to die. It's better to keep it in a cage for a long time." Next to him, another pedestrian opened his mouth. He is also Bu Xinhui's cousin, named Bu Yu. Although his face is quite elegant, it is cruel at the moment.

This time, many members of this family were preparing to fight and asked me to make a statement. The fall gave them a chance for promotion, and they naturally wanted to check out with me. If I can be captured alive, refined, and tortured, they will surely get a lot of benefits in the future. It will even take over the palm of the house.

"Let's go" Lao Jiu looked at the younger generation, very happy, nodded, and then waved.

Seeing him, almost all the walkers shot at the same time. They crowded together on the road and neatly arranged places, which immediately made this place completely different. In a short while, they can see the wind and clouds around them. The huge poisonous gas rose into the air, directly sweeping through the nine layers of clouds.

The horrible killing is the same as the essence. It can be said that it is the sky that obscures the sun. The horrible killing thought is like forming a respectable figure, walking forward and slowly suppressing it. When it reaches a place, it will definitely cause a scene. Bloody storm. Make life look bad.

I changed the color. If he is trapped in such a large array, even if he is a generation of rich king, most of them will drink and hate. Because this arrangement of spirits is actually driven by the martial arts and Taoist methods, and it adds deadly power in an instant. It must be admitted that in the ocean, the fusion of martial arts and spiritual figures has reached an almost perfect level, I have to sigh.

"In order to kill me alone, the Pacers have been fully prepared, but unfortunately, I am not in the fight, otherwise, you may really succeed!" I slowly stood up, still He put a hidden mark on himself, then he walked out of his feet and approached the group of people.

"Since you want to kill me so, I'm not very polite to you. You always have to die a few people to understand how sorry you are for doing this!" I looked cold, and my murderous intentions began to show.


All kinds of screams kept sounding. At this moment, I desperately wanted to shoot. He urged to kill at the moment he retracted an inch, and the walkers who came directly to the camp, connected their hands, and the invisible sword glow continued to roar out. Shred the sky. Hush!

Every blow involves an invisible killing, which can easily tear the flesh to pieces, and even tear the battle clothes easily. Even if you want to resist, you don't know where to start resisting, completely helpless.

Soon, an important person fell down, and then, his hand was gently in the air, and the other head rose to the sky, the **** in his mind had no time to escape. It has been at my fingertips, cracking directly in the air, turning into powder and fragments.

Then, he rushed to the next person, simply and directly shooting, which can be said to be quite violent.

The pedestrian family wanted to sneak attack on the "me" they imagined, but they didn't think that the real me was lurking in the dark to deal with them. ..



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