Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 241: : Some people sigh

"So, the humanitarian seems to be back again!" An hour later, a message returned to the magic palace, so the remaining demons in the palace were shaking. These two demons will never come back, but the one who seems to them to be dead appears?

After a while, someone ran out and found that this extremely cruel young and supreme clan had returned. He looked sluggish and couldn't see what had happened.

"Let's go see what happened. If he leaves, we must report to these two demons as soon as possible!" The remaining magic masters quickly made up their minds, and then they urged the teleportation array and immediately saw the figure flying. After coming out, they soon came to a mountain.

However, in this mountainous area, the earth has fallen, the peaks have been broken, and there is obviously a big battle. This scene makes these demons try one by one.

"There is another living" in the corner of the eyes of a devil navigator, and found that the young devil's strong man was sitting on the rock now with shawl hair and dull eyes.

"What about the two generals? What happened?" Someone drank hard.

But this young devil and strong man has no response at present, as if afraid of being silly.

The devil experimenter used various methods, and finally he reacted, but Ai opened his mouth during this period of time, "Dead, all dead, this is just an action, and even one action can't stop it. .""Two demons can't stop adults from doing anything? Who is that young supreme man? Hurry up and find a way to tell Shao Di that this man must kill him as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a big problem "The devil's eyes are red. Although they don't know who I am, they are now absolutely convinced that this person should also be one of the young and the supreme invincible. They can't fight these little fishes and shrimps.

Outside, senior officials of all ethnic groups have seen all this through a border gate. Well, I'm really sick now. The young and supreme corpses of these two corpses are all self-inflicted, and for a star, a taste of the experimenter of the Holy Emperor! This can be said to be a powerful existence. Together with more than a dozen sacred kings, it has become stronger, and the situation is doing its best. It is not one of me like me?

"It's too powerful. It's just a blow. Like a "sweep", can most people fight it?" Some people sighed.

"After all, he is invincible among young people and supreme people. If ordinary young people can deal with him, it would be a joke."

"If Emperor Moshaodi were going to fight him at that time, he didn't know which was better and which was weaker."

In this war, senior managers of various nationalities reaffirmed my strength and strength. All kinds of senior officials in the world were frightened one by one, but unfortunately, they were unable to tell the disciples who entered the ruins of the Holy Land. There is no warning, otherwise, most of them have notified them secretly.

In the northern "government", I brought Yang Feng back again. He is no longer interested in the magic palace, but wants to go to the palace of the dead. Just now, although he destroyed the people in the Palace of the Dead, he didn't have time to search their treasure house.

In the rear, Yang Feng is indeed a bit weak now. He couldn't believe what happened just now. On weekdays, the demon that seemed almost invincible to him could not even stop a movement in front of him. A handprint was photographed, completely suppressed, its shape and spirit were destroyed, and even no residue was left. What can people say about this scene?

"You really showed up!"..

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