Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 249: : Not very scientific

At this time, the anger inside and outside the universe was shaking, everyone was shaking, because they all felt the emperor's will, that is to destroy everything.

Suddenly, a supreme majesty burst out of the original empty space inside the nine-day coffin. At this time, the interior of the nine-day coffin seemed to open a passage. It seems that desperate lives emerge from this channel, as if the emperor of the world is awakening.


The terrible breath shook the universe, and prestige suppressed the sky!

The emperor screamed, now his face was pale, and he turned and ran, without the slightest pressure and arrogance, hastily!

Taoist heart injury

"What are you running? I haven't started fighting yet! Why did you run away like this? Sorry, you stopped for me!" Wu Houdao reacted once. He urged the imperial soldiers to kill early, roared, and told a generation of emperors not to run away. Such gestures shocked the crowd.

You know how powerful the emperor was just now, just like the gods and ghosts of the age of mythology, overlooking the world, watching the world with cold eyes, saying that the world is incomparable, and not too majestic.

But how did you turn around and escape in a blink of an eye? It can only be said that this contrast is too big.

"what is that?"

Many people feel a breath in my nine-day coffin. This seems to be the breath of a witness in the past. Is my nine-day coffin still hidden in the hands of the witness? Is this the breath that shocked a generation of emperors? Is it really?

The more powerful the people, the deeper their feelings, and the ordinary soldiers of the Pantheon were stunned one by one. They can't feel something so subtle, but they can only feel power. At this moment, they stared at the front and saw that the emperor was running away, and they couldn't accept it. You know, there is an army of nearly one million Pantheon, ah, it can be said to be dense. Their swords, such as Lin and Jia, are all for repairing the sky, and they will be wiped out today.

The fighting power of these people is very powerful and amazing. Under the command of the Pantheon, they can be said to be very elite men and horses, but now they are all stupid, watching those emperors leaving in the air, many people are at a loss for a while. There is a feeling of indifference.

You know, they are invincible lions, in order to make up for heaven, their arrival will create the most glorious years, but their orders. How did the supreme and invincible emperor fly away like this? This is not very scientific!

It can only be said that all this happened so suddenly that they could not react.

With a wave of my hand, the army repairing heaven came out like a lion from a pillar, and landslides and tsunami roared out from the front. If we talk about the army, the armies of both sides will go hand in hand, but at this moment, the mending education not only carries the power of breaking the ship, but is also a kind of pride for forcing the emperor to retreat. At this moment, these momentums have extended to the Army of Patching the Sky. It became a torrent, sweeping in all directions.

"Don't let anyone go!"

"Destroy all the gods and avenge my dead brother!"

"The pantheon of the gods will be destroyed today!"

It can be said that this is a very sharp contrast. On the one hand, the momentum is horrible to the extreme, just like the impact of sea waves on the coast, violent and unstoppable. The other party was caught off guard, panicked, and didn't know how to react.

Obviously, the army of the Pantheon did not expect at all that a victorious war would become like this, and the emperors would leave without taking care of them.




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