Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 343: :a long time

However, only 20,000 soldiers are currently fighting on the wall. The other heavenly soldiers are still in Xuanbao's primitive kingdom. The rest went to another exit. Here, on the edge of the battlefield, Xuan Bao could feel the edge of the border. When the order is issued, they will quietly rush out of the original world, rush to the magicians of the Heavenly Army and the Reserve Army as soon as possible, and carry out a sudden attack!

It is not the time yet. The city wall with only the roots of the magic soldier has fewer than 10,000 people, and here can only accommodate these people, so it is still far from the main force to disperse the magician.

A large number of magicians began to approach the city wall. At this time, they suddenly fell off the wall. The wall was covered with iron thorns. They patted the body of the demon warrior heavily. The ropes on both sides of the rope were pulled by the soldiers in the sky. It was worth it. One thing to mention is that the magic warrior was hooked on the flesh by an iron thorn, and the large pieces of skin and flesh were cut off! .

This is the terrible part of the wolf-tooth fight, like a big iron rake, the devil rake is full of scale wounds, the blood hole on the body is like a chiseled out, and it can't stop it!

This weapon does not fall like a rolling stone and can no longer be used. The rope beaten by the fangs is in the hands of the soldiers in the sky. Just like Yasha, it can also be mentioned after being thrown down and used frequently, and it has a strong initiative to deal with people it wants to deal with!

The main target of the heaven warrior is those who hide in the magic warrior. The establishment of magic soldiers is not as formal as the heavenly soldiers. From the perspective of the level below, there are only two kinds of big devil and little devil. The big devil can command thousands of people, and the little devil will lead thousands of people, thousands of people. Regardless of their level, they are all magic warriors! .

This is because magic soldiers rarely deploy teams of less than 1,000 people. Some of them are full of people. When they arrive in a new place, they are replenishing the source of their forces. Only 1,000 people can form a small airspace, so that even nearby The breath is not conducive to the actions of the magic warrior, thousands of people together can resist for a long time.

The current Heavenly Soldiers deal with magic of these sizes. As long as you blow out the wolf’s pipe or Yasha immediately and hit it down, you will be killed by the devil!

The devil will die, the magic soldier will not have dragons, and will become a mess, let alone fighting, even ordinary life is difficult!

But the devil is also very cunning, usually hiding in the magician. By his present time, the magician has already rushed to the front line, and he will lose the opportunity to deal with the devil!

The original door of the world can be placed anywhere, as long as it is not far from Xuanbao, with his current repairs, you can directly let others enter the original world through the original door of the world!

However, Liu Ayi still thought of a problem. Some people worriedly said to Xuan Bao: "This is still a bit dangerous. If you are used by the magic army in battle, isn't it a big problem in the original world?"

"Are you confused?" It is good to dominate the world. It is interesting to say this: "With the emperor's current mind, I can't wait for those poodles to enter the original world, and even the great devil will be locked in it! "

Liu Ayi was startled and suddenly realized! Indeed, the primitive kingdom respected by the empire is the best killer to destroy magic warriors! There is the emperor's world, he is the master of the original world, no matter who it is, how deep it is, as long as it enters the original world, it must endure the emperor's mercy, even without the power to fight! ..

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