Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 482: : Wanton struggle

have nothing to say. I took Du Shiniang and Mirage back to my room. I first settled in Du Shiniang.

Although Du Shiniang was not in a coma, his eyes were drifting, even I didn't know. Even if I came back, I would merge the phantom into the sea of ​​gods here to restore the phantom's son.

After solving the Phantom’s son, I first treated Du Shiniang and observed Du Shiniang’s body. Fortunately, there was no major problem. During the period of time that the ghost was not saved, although I did not learn medicine, simple medicines would still be arranged, and I Crystal also has some herbs to heal Du Shiniang's wounds.

I am very busy. One side is Du Shiniang, and the other is Phantom. Fortunately, this busy work also played a role. Du Shiniang's face gradually became ruddy, and the dim and colorful light in the phantom was nourishing and radiating vitality in my ocean. Colorful bin

When the two settled down, the tower knocked on the door and discussed something with me. I also promised to come down to watch Du Shiniang's past sleep, still a trace of hatred in my heart. If there was no Sufox at the time, I might have really worked with this tower.

Due to the current situation, I don’t think the tower is willing to cooperate with me. I also have a long heart. Now the tower needs him. If the holy lake matter is over, the tower will get its own benefits. I am afraid that it will directly cooperate with me. I am right.

Thinking like this, I left Du Shiniang in the room and followed the tower to his secret room. As soon as I walked into the completely soundproofed secret room, the tower solemnly said to me: "Three days later, it is time for the holy lake to open. Every boss has two places to enter. When the time comes, as long as you get to the bottom, you will be a stop People of Su Hu, don't try your best, just to hold him down for Ban Zhuxiang." It's not difficult for you, is it? "

"There is no difficulty, but I want to know what is hidden under the holy lake. It is worth fighting among you fierce beasts. Can't you become the treasure of heaven and earth?" I am also very curious about holy lake. The face of the tower is cold and his mouth is closed, obviously he doesn't want to say anything to me.

When I saw the tower, I knew that even if I asked for more, I would not ask for anything. Anyway, I can definitely find news from other channels, and I won't get any news from the tower.

This tower also gave me a detailed explanation of its meaning. In short, when it comes to the holy lake, no matter what happens, I must obey his orders and I must do what the tower asks me to do. I also readily agreed, but at that time, I would not let him tower.

There was a kind of cynicism in my heart, and it took me several hours to explain it clearly. I also feel bored. The tower looked at me and said nothing. Let me take good care of myself during these three days, nourish my energy, and perform well at that time.

I walked out of the secret room and walked straight into the room. As soon as I reached the door of the room, I felt a little danger. Someone must be hiding behind the door to attack. Thinking about it again, I knew Du Shiniang must be awake.

I opened the door of the room, and as soon as I entered, Du Shiniang suddenly appeared behind the door, Yuanli rising and falling on her arm, but when Du Shiniang looked at me, she immediately stopped. I was in a coma for almost a week. During this period of time, Du Shiniang almost lost her life, and suddenly seeing me felt like a dream.

I smiled and said to Du Shiniang, I also took Du Shiniang to sit on the side of the bed, and briefly explained what happened before to Du Shiniang. When Du Shiniang heard this, his face flashed and his mouth moved, but he seemed to think of something, he was desperate again, and she didn't say a word. ..



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