Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 760: : Blue bruise

"Why are you upset? Are you not getting enough money from Huajie?" the woman said in his ear. "As long as you get a stable return, you really don't need to reach into the flowers, do you? Just like the upper gang and the subordinate gang?"

Nighthawk smiled softly. Is the other world really too high for this underground world? Even smart women can only have this vision.

"When Rosia came just now, you should have a look behind." Nighthawk said. "What do you think of her and the people she brought in?"

"I'm afraid Rosia has gathered a large number of people in Huajie." The woman replied. "The group of people she brought seems to be not used to the kind of life in the world, and they should be temporary mercenaries. But she just wanted to make up for it. Although she tried to pretend to be harmless, it might not be that simple. You I know, I heard it from a channel. Rodia seems to be pretending to be a harmless little white rabbit, but in fact she sneaked into the whole Falcon City secretly. On the surface, she is nothing. Don't even ask for money from a "prostitute" who does business on the street, but if she wants to do it. It's a small thing."

"Well, I think so too. Even if you put down the blood rose, don't talk about it. This is a question she is willing to come over today. This actually tacitly assumes that she is the manager of Huajie. Although she has always strongly denied that she is A leader." Nighthawk replied. "They should pay this time. But next time. Do you have any good ideas to make money on a sustainable basis?"

"It's very simple." The woman pressed her chest to Nighthawk's arm. "If you want to fight, don't fight by force. Although it may be difficult to tell in the long run, in the near future, there will be no problem three or five times."

The audience burst into cheers. The passion for blood made everyone drunk, screaming in their loudest voice.

In this game, the two players with blunt swords clearly distinguished the winner. Neither player has armor, in fact they both have upper bodies, which makes blunt swords quite dangerous. At this time, a player was already scarred, blood was flowing into a river, and he could barely protect his head and face, and backed staggeringly. His opponent, if not unscathed, at least won't be severely hit. The battle is in the final stage, and the audience is full of animal roars such as "Kill him", "Kill this loser" and "Kill him". Half of the people say this because they support the winners, while the other half say this because they hate losers and make them lose money.

This is the arena of Falcon City, a place where **** battles attract and stimulate the residents of Falcon City.

Essien is very interested in watching the game on the court. He is very capable of seeing the whole process clearly. As the saying goes: "Outsiders watch the excitement, experts watch the door." For Essien, there is no suspense in this battle. What he is interested in is not victory or defeat, but how the winner attacks his opponents cleverly and cruelly. On the one hand, he beats his opponents with scars; on the other hand, he does not let his opponents fall like most games in the world. To fall is to fail. But the victor cannot continue the attack.

Perhaps tired of the cheers of the audience, or tired of the cat and mouse tricks, in the end the winner swung a heavy and decisive blow. The blunt sword used in the game hit the head severely and knocked the whole person to the ground. Then, the victor stepped on the head of the loser who could not fall to the ground, raised his sword, and shouted victory to the sky.

His actions brought the audience's emotions to the extreme. For a while, the whole arena was full of shouts. Everyone was yelling, "Champion!" Few people saw the fallen challenger motionless on the ring, and the dark red blood under him slowly poured into a small pool of blood.

But even if someone notices it, it doesn't matter. It's an arena. When playing a game, let alone pumping with an iron like this, killing is not uncommon even with bare hands.

Creole frowned when he saw the scene. The loser should be dead. Use this unopened blunt sword to fight, usually not killing people, at least not on the spot, but the guy got too many swords before he fell, the last blow was any attempt in the ears Anyone with combat skills knows that it is dangerous to be hit in this position.

"This Basadoni is really dangerous." Creole said softly.

"It's good, that's what people do." Essien replied, not being disobedient. "Well, the game is over, we can go find him."

The game is really over. The winning champion has become a side lounge, and the loser has been taken away. The audience started to leave,

The backstage of the arena is relatively simple. Essien is familiar with this place, so he came to the contestant's lounge in three or two minutes. It is said that the lounge is actually an empty room, with weapon racks, medical supplies and chairs for people to sit and wait.

The champion was there, tired of playing with a sword in his hand. This is because he has to wait here for a while. The gladiator has not given him a reward for victory.

As soon as Essien entered the door, the champion found out. He turned his head and stared at Essien and Creole, when Creole clearly felt a strong pressure on his face, a suffocating fear. Fortunately, Essien leads, otherwise Creole feels that he is likely to lose his form significantly.

"Hey, Barsadoni, can you welcome an old friend with a smile?" On the other hand, Essien was completely unaffected by the opponent's momentum.

"You are looking for me again, what's the matter?" Basadoni said coldly. But after confirming Essien, his muscle tension was immediately relaxed. He turned his head, picked up a "hair" towel from the side, and wiped it himself. He was hardly injured in the previous fight, but he still had bruises on his arm, and there was a clear blue bruise on his white skin.

Basadoni is a man of about thirty years old, with short hair and upper body. The body clearly shows what kind of person he is: although he is not particularly fat, it is difficult to find a piece of fat in the soldier's body. He has broad shoulders, mature and strict exercises, his muscles are not thick, but they twitch like thick ropes.

Festival Expert

Festival Expert

"I'm just here to see if my old friend is doing well." Essien made an exaggerated move.

"Don't do this!" Bassadoni was not grateful at all. "If this is the kind of plea you made last time, my answer is the same as the last time. I don't want to live a mediocre life like you, like you are waiting to die!"

"Don't make me so bored," Essien replied. "I'm here for another thing. But honestly speaking, is it really interesting to fight and kill people, and let yourself go around the ghost gate?"

"This battle proves that I'm still alive." Bassadoni replied. "Only in the fight do I feel that I'm still alive." He smiled viciously. "You don’t understand how good the cry of the losers is, the touch. It excites me! You know, look at their eyes. Look at the eyes of the dogs that fall on the ground, look at those who are full of fear, despair and no Wishful eyes! This is just the ultimate enjoyment of the world! They have proved with their own blood that I am the invincible person in the world."


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