Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 767: :I quit

I found a general, but I cannot recover from the failure. Before that, he instinctively hoped that night would pass, because dawn was a test for him. Now, however, he hopes that dawn will come soon, because if this situation continues, the beauty will think that "throw ten dice with one hand, and each dice is six dice", and count it as a dying battle plan. meaningless.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of horseshoes. This is not the sound of exhausted horses, but the sound of an energetic horse galloping. This is not his cavalry, because his cavalry is exhausted, so he cannot ride a horse for the time being, but leads a horse.

The eastern fish belly is white, and the fish belly is white. I saw a man in steel armor and a golden cloak riding a white horse on the **** in front. For a moment, even if I felt desperate, was the Legion of Chaos copied on the way forward? No, it's impossible! He immediately realized that just now, he saw the chaotic cavalry still walking with their horses, even the infantry behind.

I sat down and found that the man in front of me looked familiar.

A large group of cavalry followed the man and jumped from behind the hillside. This is a "big group", but the actual number is about a few hundred. However, due to the steady flow of posture, it is impossible to know how many troops are behind the hillside.

I found that my subconscious horse was coming. Although the two sides were very close, the other side did not order an attack. I took off the helmet and found that the person on the opposite side also took off the helmet.

"Essien!" I never thought I would be so happy to see Essien.

"Me!" Essien came here alone. I noticed that his white horse was spraying violently, as if he had been tired from the long journey for three minutes. But even three points of fatigue are much better than the horses of the Chaos Legion.

Why is Essien here? My mind is full of questions. He knew that Essien should fight against the "rebel" lord on the battlefield. Although Essien seemed to have a great advantage in Falcon City at the time, almost all of my spirit was fighting the chaos in the future, and I did not have time to care about Essien, but I knew that as long as there is a strong castle that can resist tenaciously, It takes months or huge sacrifices and sometimes both.

But in any case, Essien appeared here and brought at least a thousand cavalry. enough.

I can't help but look back at the battlefield. After such a **** battle and a whole night of retreat, he left about ten thousand soldiers. But this is only a number. More than half of the survivors have lost combat effectiveness, especially the cavalry. After so long of parades and battles, the horses are too tired to continue fighting.

However, the rest is only theoretical combat effectiveness. Almost everyone is tired, but inertia supports them and no one knows when they will suddenly collapse.

The chaos in the rear continued. Behind the Legion of Chaos, you can see the bodies of scattered people and horses, damaged cannons and destroyed vehicles.

"Sorry, I'm late." Essien doesn't have my dark vision and can't see what's going on in the distance. But I can tell from a close distance that my situation is definitely not good. "If it hadn't been for the heavy rain, I would have come yesterday. Her Majesty did ask me to support you."

"Your Majesty?" I repeated it suspiciously. "But Newstria"

"Ah, the chaotic defeat caused a little trouble." Essien said in a talkative tone. "But it was just a small trouble. We ended up burning down a warehouse, some houses. And the poor temple. But that's all. Your Majesty, she was naturally fine."

As they spoke, a group of retreating soldiers stopped by the soldiers and looked curiously at the newcomers who had just arrived on the battlefield. It is easy to see where they are armored, look at the soldiers and other details.

"You already understand the outcome of this battle." I smiled painfully.

"I think," Essien replied. "We lost. Fortunately, we can fight again." He looked at me. "I brought all the troops."

"All the troops in this country," Essien said. "Ten Thousand People" he said the number calmly. "I did my best to mobilize all the troops. The guards around the world were mobilized according to the Queen's orders. I am now under your command, my general." He deliberately emphasized the last sentence.

I look back at the battlefield. If Essien has any effect, at least not on his face. Maybe we can say that in order to hide his excitement and ecstasy, he had to turn his head to avoid being discovered.

"How many cannons?"

"Twenty cannons, less." Essien replied. "But for the long journey, I had to give up some."

"Where is the wizard?"

"Twelve" Asaburo replied. "Even the wizards from Gaohua City were brought here. I didn't even leave a wizard behind, because I thought, if we lose, it doesn't matter whether we stay or not. In that case, why don't I take everything away? "

"Enough" I looked at the promenade of the Legion of Chaos. He knew there were about two hundred wizards in the Legion of Chaos, but now they are all exhausted. The chaos does not allow their magicians time to rest and recover, but will drain their last energy. This means that these wizards will be powerless in future battles.

"After dawn" I said. "Launch an attack"

"After daybreak," Marvin said to himself softly, looking ahead. "You can launch an attack"

Winning the battle was much more difficult than he expected. On several occasions, he thought he had won, but the fierce counterattack from the opponent caught him off guard and had to give up the victory he had won for a while.

This I am really a difficult person to get along with. If he successfully retreats to Gaohua City or Newstria City, the attack will be very difficult.

Fortunately, I made a stupid choice. Like all the greedy and short-sighted southerners, he saw the opportunity, but couldn't see the price he had to pay. Marvin quickly seized this opportunity.

I quit. Marvin knows this very well. This battle lasted for a long time, frustrating the soldiers' will and strength. As long as their soldiers knew that they had been defeated, the weak and cowardly Southerners would lose the will to escape. This pursuit war will have the same effect of encirclement and suppression.

He will win. This army is Grune’s division or even the army of other countries. I have no reinforcements. It is precisely because he knows this that he perseveres to the end, not afraid of the threat of enemy reinforcements.

But the wizard's heart is not half the victory. Even if the victory is beyond doubt, this is not the victory he wants. Everything is the culprit of my cunning. Marvin gritted his teeth and vowed to peel off that person's skin! When he was still alive, watch his skin peel off!

Festival Final Fight

Festival Final Fight

Of course, this is just Marvin's hope. In fact, he himself knew that, at least for now, the possibility of completing this task was only half. Probably less than half. I may have died in a messy army, or I may have escaped when I lost the army. If he shrinks to Gaohua City, it is easy to say that if my legs are long enough, I might even escape all the way to Falcon City.

But in fact, Marvin thinks that one of my possibilities is much greater than the two. After all, he is a weird wizard who has the ability to see people. I don't look like a person who can escape at all. ..



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