Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 22 Chapter 842: : Belongs to the latter [guiqiu subscribe]

"My friend, this is a race between emperors. That person is very powerful and has the power of a pure dragon." The man said.

I nodded, and then walked over there.

"Please stay with friends from the Warring States Period. We are almost under the control of that person. We were ordered by the Jin and Liu tribes. We hope that the friends of the Warring States people will give us face!" Speaking in a tone, but I saw through that student, he is definitely a cruel and ruthless person.

When I heard these words, I slowly turned my face away and snorted coldly: "Yeah!" Jinwu Clan? What is a group of birds covered in fire? "

He slapped, "Bang!" With a sound, the man's skull was broken and his head was confused. I almost stunned. The skin and flesh were also cracked. It was terrible. Fortunately, there was no danger to life.

"You! What do you mean?" The man drank angrily.

"Fart! If I talk to the Nazis, do you think I will be scared? To be honest, I didn't want to be together, but you are very smart, hehe, this muddy water, I'm sure!" After that, the breathing was high and the body Suddenly disappeared.

The man was stunned and about to move, but found himself out of breath, his neck caught in his hands.

"My lord, my lord, my master forgave his life." The man said in a panic. The rest of the people also looked terrified, were they shot? On the other side is the warring clan. The Warring States is no less powerful than the Jinwu tribe. The two nations have been in a good relationship a few days ago. Fighting broke out suddenly. Both sides have their own casualties. Now they are still talking about the Jinwu tribe. It was a death, and now the intestines of men are almost all penitent.

"What? You want to do this? Although this is also the unity of heaven and earth, it is no different from their peak and strong people. They are not afraid of death, otherwise they will be allowed to turn over, otherwise I won't waste too much time killing you A dozen people." I said.

"Don't go too far! Jinwuren is near Emperor Star!" said the man with the fierce face.

I heard that with a cold face, trying to urge, the boxing suddenly surfaced, covering the entire right arm, "cut it!" He broke the man’s neck with a sound, and unparalleled strength was injected into his body, and his internal organs were covered. Hanged, his body was abandoned like a broken bag.

"Oh!" With a cry, the man's soul was out of the body, and he would not give me a drink, "God of a bitch!" Come back to me! You wait! "With this, we will stay and leave.

The other seven or eight people "Oh!" I took out my weapon, stared at me, and said with a smile: "Ha!" "How many kids want to do this to me?". Speaking of suddenly holding the right hand, the power of the universe is concentrated in the hand, terrifying and peaceful.

"Let's go!" The two looked at each other and left soon.

I watched the war not far away. Several people and Aoguyang were restraining each other. If they held my hand, they would be killed by Aoguyang, so it was impossible for them to do so.

The cosmic power in my right hand became more and more fierce, and I gave a sharp punch, "Wow!"

One of the seven could not hide, so he was blown up. Wow! A mouthful of blood spurted out. Who is Oguyang, who is outstanding, he is also the emperor, the emperor who is flowing with blood, he will not miss this opportunity.

Dancing among the golden "color" hair, the power of the Oguyang dragon with blood left at the corner of its mouth burst out, and the dragon's claw whose right hand became a phantom suddenly patted the man's head.

"Buzzing!" A light flashed, and Aoguyang, who wanted to become a form of fighting, was suppressed by the strange light, and failed to shape it, but it greatly reduced one's pressure.

I bullied myself quickly, and my right fist, like the mouth of an ancient beast, struck another person in the back with lightning.

The man was shocked all over. Wow! Another bite of blood, his body flashed far away, and a scythe was missing in his hand.

For two minutes, I stood gently on one side of my body, the cold wind blew, the sickle cut my body, and then disappeared, but at this moment, I stretched out my right hand in vain and caught something. "Wow!" The sickle was pulled out of the void.

"This sickle has a smell of the laws of space, and its materials seem to be very good!" I joked. The power of the powerful soul suddenly melted into the weapon, and the secret skills recorded by the soul forcibly erased the mark of the human soul. The man's face is white, and his body is distorted. "Stool!" Make noises, bear the pain of men, and run away directly regardless of pedestrians.

"Oh? What is the way to recognize God? Isn't it weird?" I jokingly said, if I wanted to put the sickle in the phalanx of my finger, I suddenly realized that I couldn't get in.

There is only one creature whose soul cannot enter the storage space, that is to say, there is life in this Dalian sickle.

But at this moment, I didn't have time to penetrate the soul into the sickle, and then I held the sickle in my right hand and looked at it carefully.

The rest of the attacks were more intense, the Forbidden Light was more dazzling, and Aoguyang's face was more dignified. After a while, Aoguyang said: "What are you standing for? Come and help!"

I heard a smile, killing someone with a sickle, like a crowd besieging Ao Jiuyang.

The huge sickle is full of power, and it is swung suddenly. I obviously feel the space distortion. You know, the universe is not like the star of life. The space barrier here is very strange and strong. It will produce space shock. There are only two possibilities " Sex, one is the strength to a certain extent, and the other is the way to master space. There is no doubt that this sickle belongs to the latter.

The person I attacked suddenly turned around, and the sword in his hand was shining and was chopped off. "Bang!" With a loud noise, the sword was torn to pieces by the sickle, and this man was not vulgar. He urged the broken sword, and the fragments hit me.

"Something!" There was a random noise, and a layer of crystals appeared on the surface of my body. I blocked the debris, and at the same time shook three more steps, and walked back three steps.

When this person's face changed, he didn't expect that my body would undergo such a change, which is almost unheard of in humans.

Although he hadn't seen it yet, Oguyang had already seen it. I was in this state when I was at war with myself not long ago. Oguyang immediately realized that this person was definitely me.

"Sorry! This is a lot of power!" I said with a smile.

"They!" The man drank a glass, his dantian was bright, and a dagger-like thing shone brightly, rushed out of the dantian and fell into the man's hands.

"Kill!" Drinking it again, the dagger rushed out of all its glory, like thousands of ribbons, attacking me.

I can hold the sickle, spin the speed, the space "vibrates", breaks the belt, "ding!" One of them hits the dagger, both of them felt tremendous power at the same time, I repelled it for more than ten years, the man is a spray of blood , The tiger’s mouth burst, and the blood flowed into a river. My strength was too great. If it weren’t for a man’s original sacrifice, it would be immortal, it would be crushed. ..

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